さとしさんのクラスでは,古いたてものや,古くからつたわる行事(ぎょうじ)などについて,調(しら)べてわかったことや感想(かんそう)を話し合いました。 | In Satoshi's class, they talked about what they found out and what they thought about the old buildings and events that have been passed down from the past. |
「神社(じんじゃ)やお寺など,まちの人たちが大切にしてきたたてものがたくさんあったね。」 | "There were lots of buildings that have been treasured by the people in the town such as shrines and temples." |
「たてものだけじゃなくて,お祭りや行事も,昔(むかし)からつづいているものがあったよ。」 | "Not only buildings, there were other things that have been held for generations like festivals and events." |
「楽しいお祭りが,これからもずっとつづいていくといいな。初(はじ)めて知ったお祭りにも行ってみたいよ。」 | "I hope these fun festivals continue forever. I want to go to some of the festivals that I found out about for the first time." |
「産業まつり(さんぎょうまつり)や町民運動会(ちょうみんうんどうかい)などの,さい近はじまった町の行事にも参加(さんか)してみたいわね。」 | "I want to take part town events that have recently started such as the industrial festival and townspeople sports festival." |
「お祭りや行事には,地いきの人たちのいろんな思いがこめられていることがわかったよ。」 | "I found out that the festivals and events embody the various wishes and thoughts of the people in the town." |
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