4 あんぜんなくらし4 Safe Living

80 ~ 81 / 137ページ

Evacuation training at school
Firefighting training by the fire brigade

Traffic safety classes at school

 ひろみさんの学校では,安全のために毎月,ひなんくん練(れん)を行っています。また,毎年,交通安全教室を行い,交通ルールや自転車(じてんしゃ)の正しい乗り方(のりかた)を学んでいます。 Evacuation training is held every month for safety reasons at Hiromi's school. There are also traffic safety classes where they learn traffic rules and how to properly ride a bicycle.
 町には,火事(じ)や事こからわたしたちを守(まも)るためにはたらいている人がいます。どのような仕事(しごと)をしているか,調(しら)べてみることにしました。 There are people in the town whose job it is to protect us from fires and accidents. We decided to find out what kind of jobs they do.

"I got a bicycle license in the traffic safety class.""Evacuation training is important when there's a fire or earthquake."