福生消防署瑞穂出張所(ふっさしょうぼうしょみずほしゅっちょうじょ)の見学Visiting the Fussa Fire Department Mizuho Branch

86 ~ 87 / 137ページ

 消ぼうしょの中の様子(ようす)をくわしく調(しら)べてみましょう。 Let's find out more about what goes on inside a fire station.

 消ぼうしょでは,火を消(け)すためのくん練(れん)や,火事(じ)にそなえて点けんをしていることがわかりました。 We found out that at the fire station, they train to put out fires and conduct inspections to prevent fires.

Fussa Fire Department Mizuho Branch
Pump trucks and ambulances from here arrive at the scene first when there a fire or accident in Mizuho.
 大きな火事が起(お)こった時は,何十台というポンプ車,消ぼうヘリコプター,とくしゅな消ぼう自動車(じどうしゃ)が集(あつ)められます。 If there's a large fire, dozens of pump trucks and firefighting helicopters, as well as special firefighting vehicles are gathered.

Firefighting clothes
These are worn when fighting fires at the scene.
 上から落(お)ちてくるかわらや,ほのおのねつから身(み)を守(まも)るためのとくべつな服そう(ふくそう)です。 They are special clothes that protect the wearer from tiles that fall from above and the heat of the flames.

Inspecting fire engines
It wouldn't be good if a pump truck or ambulance broke down when there's a fire or accident.
 こんなことがないように,消ぼう車はふだんから注意深(ちゅういぶか)く点けんされ,手入れされています。 That's why they are carefully inspected and maintained so that doesn't happen.

Rescue training
Training to rescue people who are trapped in cars because of a traffic accident is also conducted at the fire station.

Firefighters sleep in their clothes so they can quickly head out if there's a fire or accident, even at night.

A person at the fire station
Talking to a person at the fire station
There are people in a variety of different clothes at a fire station. People wear different clothes depending on their job such as firefighting, rescue, ambulance worker, office work, and others.
 また,消ぼうしょでは,たてものや消火せつびのけんさをしたり,町の人々(ひとびと)に消火きの使(つか)い方やけがの手当ての仕方(しかた)などを教えたりする仕事もしています。 In addition, the fire station inspects buildings and fire fighting equipment, as well as teaches the people of the town how to use fire extinguishers and how to perform first aid.

 消ぼうしょの人に話を聞いて,119番すると多摩指令室(たましれいしつ)へつながることがわかりました。 After talking to a person at the fire station, we found out that we are connected to the Tama Command and Control Center when we call 119.

Before noon8 o'clockHandoff
9 o'clock
10 o'clockInspection of fire engines
11 o'clockClerical works and investigation
Afternoon12 o'clockBreak time
1 o'clock
2 o'clockFirefighting training
3 o'clockFirefighting equipment inspection
4 o'clockClerical works and investigation
5 o'clockBreak time
6 o'clock
7 o'clockInspection of fire engines
8 o'clock
9 o'clockPreliminary meeting and clerical works
10 o'clock
11 o'clockHaving a break in rotation wearing working clothes (Having a catnap)
Before noon12 o'clock
1 o'clock
2 o'clock
3 o'clock
4 o'clock
5 o'clock
6 o'clockGetting up
7 o'clockFirefighting training and clerical works
8 o'clockHandoff
9 o'clock