![]() | What kind of system is there to put out fires quickly? |
瑞穂町をふくむ多摩地区(たまちく)で119番をすると,立川市にある東京消防庁多摩指令室(とうきょうしょうぼうちょうたましれいしつ)につながります。ここから火事(じ)や事このげん場に近い消ぼうしょへ出場の指れいが流(なが)れます。 | When someone calls 119 from the Tama region, including Mizuho, they are connected to the Tokyo Fire Department Tama Command and Control Center in Tachikawa. The center then issues commands to mobilize the nearest fire department to the scene of the fire or accident. |
そのほか,けいさつや病いんにれんらくします。また,ガス会社や電力会社にれんらくしてガスや電気を止めてもらいます。水道きょくにもれんらくし,近くの消火せんにたくさんの水を送(おく)ってもらいます。 | They also contact the police and hospitals, In addition, they contact gas and electric companies to stop gas and electricity, as well as contacting the waterworks bureau to have hem send a lot of water to nearby fire hydrants. |