[町章・町の木・町の鳥・町の花・瑞穂町歌][Town History, Town Tree, Town Bird, Town Flower, Mizuho Town Song]

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Town History
Created based on the hiragana character for "mi" in Mizuho. The round circle represents peace and togetherness. The overall image is based on that of a flying bird with the hopes of the town further expanding greatly.

The town's symbolic tree / Pine・Osmanthus
The town's symbolic bird / Lark
The town's symbolic flowers / Azalea・Tea flower

 面積 16.83km2
 人口 33,732人
Mizuho Town, Tokyo
平成22年4月1日現在As of April 1, 2010

瑞穂町歌Mizuho Town Song
福井 水明 作詞
斉藤 高順 作曲
Lyrics:Suimei Fukui
Composition:Takanobu Saito
緑 冴えたる 武蔵野の
古きよき土地 いや栄え
六道山に 咲き誇る
つつじに遺跡 偲ばるる
おお 瑞穂 文化の息吹き 今花開く
Under Musashino’s bright green canopy
Prospers our fair and ancient land
Mt. Rokudo decorated with flowers a-bloom
While Azaleas turn our thoughts to past riches
Oh, Mizuho, may your glory flourish forever!
青梅街道 光 満ち
人朗らかに 働きて
村山つむぎ 狭山茶を
讃え賑わう 産業祭
おお 瑞穂 理想の息吹き 今花開く
Ome Kaido painted with sunlight
ood folk cheerfully at their tasks
Murayama pongee and Sayama tea,
Friends! Lift your voices for the Industrial Festival
Oh Mizuho, where our fond dreams are lived
阿豆佐味神社 森厳に
箱根ケ崎に 雲流る
満ちたる日々に 心こめ
美しき町 わが 郷土
おお 瑞穂 世紀の息吹き 今花開く
Azusami Shrine stands solemnly
At Hakonezaki, cloud passes by
On such uplifting days, from our heart
We love our beautiful town, our own homeland
Oh Mizuho, past ages unfurl a future sublime