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 瑞穂町は、都心から約40㎞に位置し、東部には狭山丘陵が広がり豊かな自然に恵まれています。また、南北をJR八高線及び国道16号が、東西を青梅街道と新青梅街道が通り、交通の要所となっています。The town of Mizuho, located about 40 km from central Tokyo, is acclaimed for its rich natural endowment, having Sayama Hill spread in the eastern part. In addition, the town is an important transport hub with the JR Hachikō Line and National Route 16 running from north to south, and with the Ome-kaido (National Route 411) and Shin Ome-kaido roads from east to west.
 横田基地の歴史は、瑞穂町が町制を施行した昭和15年と同じ年に陸軍多摩飛行場として発足し、昭和20年9月に米軍に接収されました。現在では、滑走路が町の中心部を抉るように延び、町面積の約210ヘクタールが基地として使用されています。The history of the Yokota Air Base goes back to 1940, when it was built as the Imperial Japanese Army’s Tama Airfield, in the same year that the town of Mizuho was established. The airfield was requisitioned by the US military in September, 1945. Now, the result of the extended runway cutting through the center of the town is that about 12.5% of the town’s area (210 hectares or 2.1 square kilometers) has been taken over by the military base.
 また、米軍再編の流れのなかでは、平成18年5月に「再編実施のための日米のロードマップ」において、横田基地への航空自衛隊航空総隊司令部等の移転や横田空域の一部返還、横田基地のあり得べき軍民共同使用の具体的な条件態様に関する検討を12か月以内に終了させること等が明記される中、平成24年3月には航空自衛隊航空総隊司令部等の横田基地での運用が開始されました。In addition, in the recent realignment of US forces in Japan, it had been stated in the "United States-Japan Roadmap for Realignment Implementation" of May 2006 that the Air Self-Defense Force's Air Defense Command headquarters, etc. would be relocated to the Yokota Air Base and that a portion of the Yokota airspace would be returned. Also the study on detailed conditions required for the joint civil-military use of the Yokota Base was to be completed within 12 months. Accordingly, in March 2012 the Air Self-Defense Force's Air Defense Command headquarters, etc. began operating at the Yokota Air Base.
 このように横田基地の態様は大きな変化を遂げ、ますます国防上重要な拠点として位置づけられつつあります。In the meantime, significantly changed circumstances have given the base an increasingly important role in the national defense strategy.
 基地の存在は、騒音や航空機事故の発生の危険性など町の発展の大きな障害であり、根本的な解決は、基地の返還であります。しかしながら、基地は国防上極めて重要であると認識しております。これらを踏まえ、町では基地に起因する諸問題の解決に向けた対策を、関係機関に対して要請してまいりました。However, with such problems as noise, the ever-present risk of aircraft accidents, amongst others, the base’s presence is indeed the major obstacle to the town’s development. The essential solution would be to return the site of the base to the town. However, we do recognize the significant importance of the base’s contribution to national defense. Taking all this into consideration, our town has requested that the relevant organizations to address measures that would resolve problems arising from the presence of the base.
特に、基地の軍民共用化については、経済性や利便性のみを追及し、永年にわたり国防と世界平和のために航空機騒音被害に耐えてきた住民の心情を一顧だにしないものであります。In particular, regarding the civil-military dual-use of the base, almost all the focus has been on economic efficiency and convenience, and very little on the aircraft noise pollution that residents have long endured for the sake of national defense and world peace.
 今後も、引き続き関係機関への陳情、要望等を行い基地被害の防止に努めるとともに、東京都と基地周辺市とも綿密な連携を図り、快適なまちづくりを推し進めてまいります。また、横田基地に対しても直接要望すべきことは要望しつつ、隣人としてのお付き合いも大切にしたいと考えております。For this reason we will continue to work hard to prevent any further adverse impacts from the activities of the base. This will include a campaign of petitions and the active and targeted lobbying of all relevant organizations. At the same time, we shall push on with the further development of our town as an attractive place in which to live, particularly through close cooperation with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and also with other affected cities near the base.
 本書は、基地周辺対策事業の関係資料としてとりまとめたものであり、「瑞穂町と横田基地」の7回目の改訂版として発行するものです。基地に起因する諸問題を抱える本町の現状を知っていただくとともに、関係各位のご参考になれば幸いです。This document provides information about the countermeasure projects planned to protect the environment around the base. It is published as the seventh revised edition of the "The Town of Mizuho and the Yokota Air Base". I sincerely hope that this booklet will help you understand our town’s situation as it faces the problems caused by the base, and also that it serves as a useful reference for those who may share similar concerns.
瑞穂町長Mayor of Mizuho Town