昭15. | (1940) | 4. | 旧陸軍飛行第5連隊(立川)附属多摩飛行場として設置。当時の滑走路は1,300m。 | The airfield was established as Tama Airfield attached to the 5th Flying Regiment (at Tachikawa) of the former Imperial Army. The initial runway at that time was 1,300 m long. |
20. | (1945) | 9. | 米軍(第一騎兵師団一個中隊)が進駐し、旧陸軍の施設を接収。 | The US Army (one squadron of the 1st Cavalry Division) was stationed there, and requisitioned the old Imperial Army facilities. |
21. | (1946) | 8. | 第3爆撃飛行大隊が進駐し、公式に基地が開設された。 | The 3rd Bombardment Wing and the base were officially activated. |
24. | (1949) | 7. | 第41航空師団隷下第6102航空管理部隊が進駐し、第41航空師団第441戦闘支援部隊、第609偵察中隊等が配備された。 | The 6102nd Air Base Wing (a house-keeping unit) attached to the 41st Air Division was stationed there, and then the 41st Air Division's 441st Combat Support Group and the 6091st Reconnaissance Squadron, etc. were deployed. |
25. | (1950) | 5. | 第3爆撃飛行大隊がジョンソン基地(現:入間基地)に移動。 | The 3rd Bombardment Wing was transferred to the Johnson Air Base (Johnson AB, the present Iruma AB). |
| | 6. | 朝鮮戦争を契機に滑走路が約2,400mに延伸され、B-29を主力とする第92、98爆撃隊、ジェット機を擁する第35戦闘機連隊が駐留、これに伴い騒音が激化する。 | In the wake of the Korean War, the runway was extended to about 2,400 m, and the 92nd and 98th Bombardment Groups armed with B-29s as the main aircraft were stationed there, along with the 35th Fighter-Interceptor Wing with jet aircraft. With this expansion, the level of aircraft noise intensified. |
27. | (1952) | 2. | 横田基地所属のB-29が埼玉県入間郡金子村(現:入間市)に墜落、住民と搭乗員17名死亡。墜落時に送電線を切断し西多摩地域等で広範囲にわたり停電。 | A B-29 bomber based at Yokota Air Base (Yokota AB) crashed into Kaneko Village (present Iruma City) and killed 17 people (13 crew members and 4 residents). The crash cut a power line, resulting in a power failure over a large area of Nishitama region, etc. |
29. | (1954) | 1. | 瑞穂町箱根ケ崎の畑地にジョンソン基地のジェット機墜落。乗員2名死亡。 | A jet based at Johnson AB crashes onto a farmland of Hakonegasaki, Mizuho Town. Two of the crew were killed. |
| | 12. | 瑞穂町長岡に米軍機墜落、乗員1名死亡。 | A US military aircraft crashed in Nagaoka, Mizuho, and one crew member was killed. |
30. | (1955) | 6. | 第35戦闘機連隊の下に第40迎撃戦闘中隊(F-86)が配備された。 | The 40th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron (equipped with F-86) was deployed under the 35th Fighter-Interceptor Wing. |
31. | (1956) | 7. | 町と国で横田基地の拡張に伴う「覚書」に調印した。 | Mizuho town and the national government signed a "memorandum of understanding" as a consequence of the expansion of Yokota AB. |
| | 8. | 町との覚書により、滑走路拡張用地約376,000m2を買収して提供し、さらにその隣地75,900m2を借上げ、航空障害物制限区域を設定した。 | Based on the Memorandum of Understanding with Mizuho, a runway expansion site of about 376,000 m2, was purchased and provided, and as well adjacent land of 75,900 m2 was leased to create an obstacle-restricted area for enhanced air-safety. |
32. | (1957) | 10. | 第35戦闘機連隊が解散した。 | The 35th Fighter-Interceptor Wing was inactivated. |
33. | (1958) | 3. | 国道16号及び八高線の移設。旧射撃場跡地へ瑞穂中学校の新校舎落成。 | Relocation of the National Highway 16 and the Hachiko Line. New building of Mizuho Junior High School was inaugurated at the old firing range site. |
35. | (1960) | 11. | 狭山市のジョンソン基地の滑走路施設返還によって、第41航空師団及び第3爆撃連隊がB-57爆撃機やF-102迎撃戦闘機を伴い移駐する。滑走路が現在の3,350mに。 | With this return of the runway facilities of Johnson AB to Sayama City, the 41st Air Division and the 3rd Bombardment Wing were transferred to Yokota AB, accompanied by the B-57 bombers and F-102 interceptor fighters. The runway was extended to its current length of 3,350 m. |
37. | (1962) | 1. | 滑走路両側に接近灯(アプローチ・ライト)を設置。 | Installation of approach lights on both sides of runway. |
38. | (1963) | 5. | 横田基地所属のB-57爆撃機が埼玉県入間郡毛呂山町の病院に墜落。病院職員1名死亡。 | A B-57 bomber based at Yokota AB crashed into a hospital in Moroyama Town, Iruma District, Saitama. One of the hospital personnel was killed. |
39. | (1964) | 4. | 第3爆撃連隊が米本国へ引揚げる。 | The 3rd Bombardment Wing was transferred back to the US. |
| | 5. | 第8戦闘爆撃師団の第35・36及び第80戦術戦闘機中隊が板付空軍基地からF-105DとKC-135を伴って移駐し、第41航空師団の所属となった。また、第40迎撃戦闘中隊は、米本国に引揚げる。 | The 35th, 36th and 80th Tactical Fighter Squadron of the 8th Tactical Fighter Wing were transferred with the F-105D and the KC-135 from Itazuke Air Base, being assigned to the 41st Air Division. In addition, the 40th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron was transferred back to the US mainland. |
| | 7. | 町及び町議会は、米軍のF105戦闘機の横田移駐に反対し、国に要望書を提出。 | The Town and the town council opposed the transfer of the US military F105 fighter to Yokota AB, and submitted a petition to the national government. |
40. | (1965) | 4. | 第6441戦術戦闘航空団が編成され、第35・36及び第80戦術戦闘機中隊、第6091偵察飛行隊が傘下となる。 | The 6441st Tactical Fighter Wing (TFW) was formed, and The 35th, 36th and 80th Tactical Fighter Squadrons as well as the 6091st Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron were assigned to attach the 6441st TFW. |
41. | (1966) | 11. | 第6441戦術戦闘航空団が解散し、傘下の部隊は第41航空師団の所属に戻る。 | The 6441 TFW was inactivated, and its troops were reassigned back to the 41st Air Division. |
42. | (1967) | 8. | 瑞穂町議会騒音対策特別委員会で航空機の騒音調査を実施。 | Mizuho town council’s Special Committee on the Aircraft Noise Abatement Countermeasures conducted an aircraft noise survey. |
43. | (1968) | 1. | 第41航空師団が解散、第347戦術戦闘機連隊が編成され、F4ファントムが配備された。 | The 41st Air Division was inactivated, and replaced by the 347th TFW which was organized with a deployment of F4 Phantoms. |
44. | (1969) | 6. | 瑞穂町議会騒音対策特別委員会が基地対策特別委員会に変更。 | Mizuho town council’s Special Committee on the Aircraft Noise Abatement Countermeasures was renamed as the town council's Special Committee on the Military Base Affairs. |
| | 11. | 町と議会は、F4ファントム機配備反対に関する要望書を国に提出。 | The Town and the town council submitted a petition against the deployment of F4 phantom to the base. |
| | 12. | 立川基地の航空機運行停止に伴い、第36航空救難救助中隊が移駐した。 | With the halting of the flight operation at Tachikawa Air Base, the 36th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron was transferred to Yokota AB. |
45. | (1970) | 5. | 旧16ゲート部分約10,800m2及び滑走路の南東側面17,000m2を提供。 | Land of about 10,800 m2 (a part of the old gate 16), and another area of 17,000 m2 (southeast side of the runway) were provided. |
| | 12. | 町と議会は、超大型輸送機C-5Aギャラクシー飛来に伴う決議文を関係機関へ送付。 | The Town and the council sent to the relevant organizations a written resolution protesting against the ultra-large transport aircraft C-5A Galaxy upon its flight to Yokota AB. |
46. | (1971) | 5. | F-4ファントム戦闘爆撃機群が沖縄・米本国に移駐し、第347戦術戦闘機連隊は、沖縄の嘉手納基地第18戦術戦闘機隊に編入された。また、第6100基地管理連隊が発足。 | The F-4 Phantom Fighter-Bomber Group was transferred to Okinawa and then USA, and the 347th TFW was incorporated into the 18th Tactical Fighter Wing at Kadena Air Base in Okinawa. In addition, the 6100th Air Base Wing (a house-keeping unit) was organized. |
| | 11. | 第6100基地管理連隊は、第475基地管理連隊と改称し、更に米空軍横田基地在日管理司令部(第475航空団、475th Air wing )と呼称することとなり、所沢、大和田通信施設等の米空軍施設の管理にも当ることとなった。 | The 6100th ABW was replaced by the 475th TFW and redesignated as the 475 ABW. It was further referred to as the US Air Force in Japan (USAFJ) Yokota AB Control Headquarters (the 475 Air Wing) and it controlled the Air Force's facilities such as the Tokorozawa Communication Station and the Owada Communication Site. |
47. | (1972) | 1. | 関東地区の米軍施設を3年間で横田基地に整理統合することがロジャース米国務長官との間で合意。 | Agreement was reached with the Japanese Government and US Secretary of State Rogers to consolidate the US military facilities in the Kanto district to Yokota AB within three years. |
| | 1. | 議会は、関東地方の米空軍施設横田基地に統合反対決議。 | The town council resolved to oppose the consolidation of the US Air Force facilities in the Kanto region to Yokota AB. |
| | 2. | 横田基地北側地域地区約76,600m2が追加提供される。 | An additional area of approximately 76,600 m2 at the north side of the Yokota AB had to be provided. |
| | 3. | ミドルマーカー用地437.50m2、電力線地域259m2及び電波障害クリアランス地域16,488m2の計16,747m2が追加提供される。 | Furthermore, areas totalling total of 16,747 m2 had to be provided; 437.50 m2 for middle marker site(s), 259 m2 for power line site, and 16,488 m2 as an area for electromagnetic interference clearance. |
| | 7. | B-727のエンジンカバーが瑞穂町内に落下。 | A cover of one of the B-727 engines fell off over the Mizuho town. |
48. | (1973) | 1. | 第14回日米安全保障協議委員会において関東平野地区における空軍施設の大部分を横田基地に整理統合する関東空軍施設整理統合計画(KPCP)が決定された。 | In the 14th US- Japan Security Consultative Committee, the Kanto Plain Consolidation Plan (KPCP) was agreed to reorganize and consolidate the majority of the Air Forces facilities in the Kanto Plain area to Yokota AB. |
| | 1. | 1月23日の合意を受けて、瑞穂町議会の全員協議会は、町ぐるみの横田基地統合反対実行委員会を設置することを決定。 | In response to the agreement of January 23, Mizuho town council had an all member special meeting that decided to set up on behalf of the entire town the Executive Committee Against the US Air Force Consolidation to Yokota AB. |
| | 3. | 横田基地統合反対実行委員会は町民の意向をくんで、関東空軍施設の横田基地統合反対決議文を関係機関に提出。 | The Executive Committee Against the {US Air Force} Consolidation to Yokota AB, in accordance with the town residents’ wishes, submitted to the relevant organizations its resolution opposing the consolidation of the Air Force facilities in Kanto region to Yokota AB. |
| | 8. | 武蔵村山市道43号線拡幅用地として土地の一部(227m2)が返還された。 | Part of the land (227 m2) was returned for the widening of Musashimurayama municipal road, Route 43. |
49. | (1974) | 11. | 在日米軍司令部及び第5空軍司令部が、府中空軍施設から移転。 | The USFJ Headquarters and the 5th Air Force Headquarters were relocated from the Air Force facilities in Fuchu. |
50. | (1975) | 3. | 政府は、「防衛施設周辺の生活環境の整備等に関する法律」に基づき、横田飛行場を特定防衛施設に指定。 | The national government, based on the "Act on Improvement of Living Environment of Areas around Defense Facilities", designated the Yokota AB as specific defense facilities. |
| | 9. | 第374戦術航空団傘下の第345戦術空輸部隊が沖縄の嘉手納基地からC-130E 16機を伴い移駐。 | The 345th Troop Carrier Squadron subordinate to the 374th Troop Carrier Wing was transferred with 16 of C-130Es from the Kadena AB in Okinawa. |
51. | (1976) | 4. | 住民は、国を相手どり夜間飛行の差止め及び損害賠償請求(第1次公害訴訟)を東京地裁八王子支部へ提訴。 | The residents filed a suit against the national government requesting that night flights be suspended and for damage compensation (the first pollution lawsuit) at the Hachioji branch of the Tokyo District Court. |
| | 10. | CH-46の窓枠が瑞穂町駒形富士山の民家に落下。 | A window frame of the CH-46 fell off onto a private house of Komagatafujiyama, Mizuho. |
52. | (1977) | 11. | 第2次公害訴訟提訴。 | The second pollution lawsuit was filed |
| | 11. | 都道2・1・5号線用地としてアプローチライト部分351m2が返還された。 | A part of the land for approach lights, an area of 351 m2, was returned for the site of the metropolitan road, Route 2-1-5. |
53. | (1978) | 3. | 東住宅地区沿いの立川市道1068号線用地として145m2が返還された。 | An area of 145 m2 was returned as a site for the Tachikawa municipal road, Route 1068, along the eastern residential district. |
54. | (1979) | 8. | 防衛施設周辺の生活環境の整備等に関する法律第4条、第5条により、第一種区域(WECPNL85以上)、第二種区域(WECPNL90以上)が指定された。 | The class 1 area (WECPNL 85 dB or greater), and the class 2 area (WECPNL 90 dB or greater) were designated in accordance with Article 4 and Article 5 of the "Act on Improvement of Living Environment of Areas around Defense Facilities" |
55. | (1980) | 1. | 横田基地常駐機UH-1Pに代わり、UH-1Nが配備された。 | The UH-1N's were deployed to replace the UH-1P's, as permanently stationed aircraft at Yokota AB. |
| | 8. | 熊川交差点拡幅用地として南側アプローチ用地742m2が返還された。 | A southern approach area of 742 m2 was returned as a site for widening the Kumagawa intersection. |
| | 9. | 防衛施設周辺の生活環境の整備等に関する法律第4条の規定により、第一種区域(WECPNL80以上)が追加指定された。 | Pursuant to the provisions of Article 4 of the Act on Improvement of Living Environment of Areas around Defense Facilities, an additional class1 area (WECPNL 80 dB or greater) was designated. |
56. | (1981) | 7. | 横田基地騒音公害訴訟第1審判決(夜間飛行差し止め却下)。 | On the Yokota AB Noise Pollution Lawsuit, a judgment in the first-instance was made and the request for suspension of night flights was dismissed. |
| | 8. | 法務省入国管理局横田出張所庁舎用地として747m2が返還された。 | An area of 747 m2 was returned as a Yokota branch office building site for the Immigration Bureau of the Ministry of Justice. |
57. | (1982) | 6. | 国道16号拡幅に伴い、横断歩道橋用地23m2が返還された。 | With widening of the National Route 16, a 23 m2 land area was returned for a footbridge site. |
| | 7. | 第1次・第2次訴訟団の家族605名からなる第3次訴訟が東京地裁八王子支部に提訴された。 | The third lawsuit was filed at the Hachioji branch of the Tokyo District Court by the first and second lawsuits plaintiffs group, consisting of 605 family members. |
58. | (1983) | 1. | 米空母ミッドウエーの艦載機による着陸訓練が開始された。 | Landing practice training by aircraft of the US aircraft carrier Midway commenced. |
59. | (1984) | 3. | 防衛施設周辺の生活環境の整備等に関する法律第4条の規定により、第一種区域(WECPNL75以上)が追加指定された。 | Pursuant to the provisions of Article 4 of the Act on Improvement of Living Environment of Areas around Defense Facilities, an additional class 1 area (WECPNL 75 dB or greater) was designated. |
60. | (1985) | 1. | 横田基地常駐機T-39に代わって、C-21A 2機が配備された。 | In place of the T-39, permanently stationed aircraft at Yokota AB, two C-21A2 were deployed. |
| | 9. | 国道16号拡幅に伴う用地約39,000m2が返還された。 | With the widening of the National Route 16, a land area of 39,000 m2 was returned. |
62. | (1986) | 7. | 第1次・2次横田基地騒音公害訴訟控訴審判決(夜間飛行差し止め却下、損害賠償額積み増し)。 | With the first and the second Yokota AB Noise Pollution Lawsuits, the appeal court's ruling was made (it dismissed of the night flight suspension, but ruled for an increased damage compensation payment). |
平1. | (1989) | 3. | 第3次横田基地騒音公害訴訟判決(夜間飛行差し止め却下)。 | The court's ruling on the third Yokota AB Noise Pollution Lawsuit was made (it dismissed night flight suspension). |
| | 9. | フィリピンクラーク基地から後方支援部隊の5部隊(第600空軍音楽隊、第1837電子機器設置隊第1派遣隊、太平洋通信師団分遣隊A班、第9航空医療救難飛行隊、第20航空医療空輸隊)がC-9 3機を伴い移駐。 | From Clark Air Base, in the Philippines, five logistical support units were transferred with three C-9 aircraft; the units were the 600th Air Force Band, the 1837th Electronic Installation Squadron Detachment 1, Pacific Communication Division Detachment Team A, the 9th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, and the 20th Aeromedical Airlift Squadron. |
| | 12. | 第21戦術空輸飛行中隊がC-130 4機を伴い移駐。また、第374戦術空輸航空団が横田へ配属となり、第316戦術空輸群司令部は解散し、C-130関係部隊は第345戦術空輸飛行隊と第21戦術空輸飛行隊となった。 | The 21st Tactical Airlift Squadron was transferred with four C-130 Hercules transport aircraft. Also, the 374th Tactical Airlift Wing was assigned to Yokota, and the 316th Tactical Airlift Group Headquarters were inactivated, and, in the C-130 related corps were reassigned as the 345th Tactical Airlift Squadron and the 21st Tactical Airlift Squadron. |
3. | (1991) | 1. | 湾岸戦争勃発。輸送機が中東に出動し、離着陸回数減少。 | Gulf War broke out. Transport aircraft were dispatched to the Middle East, and takeoffs and landings decreased. |
4. | (1992) | 4. | 第475航空団と第374戦術空輸団が合併し、基地管理部隊として第374空輸航空団が活動を開始する。 | By absorbing the 475th Air Wing, the 374th Tactical Airlift Wing was redesignated as the 374th Airlift Wing and commenced its activities as a host unit. |
| | 6. | 羽田空港拡張に対応するため横田空域(関東西部から新潟、静岡両県にまたがる高度6,900m以下の空間)のうち、空域全体の10%に当たる、日野市から三浦半島にかけての南側一部が返還された。 | To accommodate the Haneda Airport expansion, an area corresponding to 10% of the entire Yokota airspace was returned. While the original Yokota airspace spanned from the western Kanto region to Niigata and Shizuoka prefectures and at an altitude 6,900 m or below, this returned section consisted of the southern part of the Yokota airspace (i.e., from Hino City to the Miura Peninsula). |
| | 7. | 引込線部分約16m2が返還された。 | A portion of the land designated for service wires, about 16 m², was returned. |
5. | (1993) | 2. | 第1・2次横田基地騒音公害訴訟判決(夜間飛行差し止め棄却) | On the First and Second Yokota AB Pollution Lawsuit, the court's ruling was made (rejection of the request for night flight suspension). |
| | 5. | 第3次横田基地騒音公害訴訟判決(夜間飛行差し止め却下)損害賠償額が確定。 | On the Third Yokota AB Pollution Lawsuit, the court's ruling was made (dismissal of the night flight suspension) and compensation for damages was confirmed. |
| | 5. | 横田基地内北住宅地区の工事現場で、第2次世界大戦中で使用されたとみられる250kg爆弾の不発弾が発見される。 | At a construction site of the north residential area in Yokota AB, an unexploded 250 kg bomb, probably dating from the second World War, was found. |
| | 7. | 陸上自衛隊により不発弾処理される。 | The unexploded ordnance was processed by the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF). |
| | 10. | 横田基地内において、貯油タンク内の航空機燃料 68kl【18,000ガロン】(ドラム缶約340本分)が漏出したことが判明。 | Within the Yokota AB, 68 kL (18,000 gallons) of aircraft fuel in the oil storage tank (equivalent to about 340 drums) were found to have leaked. |
| | 11. | 第3次横田基地騒音公害訴訟に関する和解案が東京高裁から提示。 | In the third Yokota Air Base Noise Pollution Lawsuit, the Tokyo High Court proposed a settlement. |
| | 11. | 横田基地で初めて艦載機の戦闘機、攻撃機の着陸訓練実施。 | A landing practice of carrier-based fighter and attack aircraft was carried out for the first time at Yokota AB. |
| | 11. | 日米合同委員会で、22時から明朝6時までの飛行制限が合意。 | In the Japan-US Joint Committee, a flight restriction from 22:00 to 6:00 was agreed. |
6. | (1994) | 2. | 第3次横田基地騒音公害訴訟に関する和解協議決裂。 | In the third Yokota Air Base Noise Pollution Lawsuit, the settlement discussions broke down. |
| | 3. | 第3次横田基地騒音公害訴訟東京高裁判決。原告、被告ともに上告断念。 | On the third Yokota Air Base Noise Pollution Lawsuit, Tokyo High Court ruling was made. Both the plaintiffs and the defendant abandoned the appeal. |
| | 11. | 横田基地飛行差し止め訴訟団発足。 | A plaintiffs' group for the Yokota AB Flight Suspension Lawsuit was inaugurated. |
| | 12. | 横田基地飛行差し止め訴訟団東京地裁八王子支部に提訴。 夜間飛行差し止め等請求。 | A plaintiffs' group for the Yokota AB Flight Suspension filed a lawsuit at the Hachioji branch of the Tokyo District Court. Night flight suspension, etc. was requested. |
7. | (1995) | 3. | 在日米軍による防空演習(Air Defense Exercise,95)実施。 | An air defense exercise by USFJ (Air Defense Exercise '95) was carried out. |
| | 10. | 横田基地内航空機燃料漏出事故、在日米軍最終報告書発表。 | USFJ presented the final report on the aircraft fuel leakage accident in Yokota AB. |
| | 10. | 横田基地内航空機燃料除去作業開始される。 | The operation began to remove the leaked aircraft fuel in Yokota AB. |
8. | (1996) | 1. | 横田基地内環境保全説明会及び航空機燃料漏出事故現場確認。 | Briefing session on the environmental conservation within Yokota AB was held and the aircraft fuel leakage accident was confirmed on the actual site. |
| | 4. | 新横田基地公害訴訟団東京地裁八王子支部へ提訴。 | The New Yokota AB Pollution Lawsuit plaintiffs' group filed a suit at the Hachioji branch of the Tokyo District Court. |
| | | 原告過去最高3,138人。初めて米国も相手取る。 | The plaintiffs numbered a record 3,138. The United States Government was also sued for the first time. |
| | 4. | 米軍機(C-130)砂袋を横田基地外緩衝地に誤投下。 | A US military aircraft (C-130) accidentally dropped a sand bag(s) for training onto the buffer zone outside of Yokota Air Base. |
| | 5. | 米軍機(C-141)着陸時ブレーキ故障により発煙。 | A US military aircraft (C-141) emitted fumes when landing due to a brake failure. |
| | 5. | 青島東京都知事横田基地視察。5市1町首長と意見交換。連絡会に都の参画合意。 | Governor Aoshima of Tokyo visited Yokota AB. He exchanged opinions with the heads/chiefs of five cities and one town, and agreed on the participation of Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) in the Liaison Council. |
| | 11. | 『横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会』発足。 | Inauguration of the "Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB". |
9. | (1997) | 2. | 新横田基地公害訴訟団、東京地裁八王子支部へ二次提訴。 | New Yokota AB Pollution Lawsuit plaintiffs' group filed the second suit at the Hachioji branch of the Tokyo District Court. |
| | 2. | 『横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会』防衛施設庁関係機関への総合的要請実施。要望書提出。 | The "Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB" made a comprehensive request and submitted them in writing to the organizations related to the Defense Facilities Administration Agency. |
| | 2. | 『横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会』劣化ウラン弾の情報提供を要請。 | The "Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB" demanded that information be provided regarding depleted uranium ammunition. |
| | 3. | 新横田基地公害訴訟却下「外国に裁判権及ばぬ」。 | New Yokota AB Pollution Lawsuit was dismissed, saying that the court’s "jurisdiction does not extend to foreign countries". |
| | 5. | 横田基地常駐C-130輸送機7機を、平成9年10月以降、米本土(アラスカ州エルメンドルフ空軍基地)移駐を発表。 | An announcement was made on the transfer of the seven permanently stationed transport aircraft, C-130, in October 1997 or later to the US mainland (Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska). |
| | 6. | 沖縄海兵隊実弾砲撃演習先の本土移転に伴うチャーター便(日本民間機)横田基地へ着陸。 | A chartered flight (Japanese civil aircraft) landed at Yokota AB in association with the transfer of the Marines in Okinawa to the destination in the mainland of Japan for live ammunition artillery exercises. |
10. | (1998) | 7. | 再度基地内の地下燃料庫より燃料漏出事故。漏出量はおよそドラム缶1本分。 | A fuel leakage incident occurred again, and it was from the underground bunkers within the base. The leaked volume was about one drum can. |
| | 7. | 米軍側が燃料漏出現場を公開。 | The US forces opened the fuel leakage site to the public. |
| | 10. | 横田基地所属C-9が飛行中にエンジンカバーを紛失する事故発生。(後日エンジン火災を起こしていたことが判明) | In an incident involving a C-9 aircraft assigned to Yokota AB, an engine cover was lost in flight. (Later it was found that the engine had caught fire.) |
| | 12. | 『横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会』C-9のエンジンカバー紛失事故に関する要請。 | The "Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB" requested for an investigation into the incident in which the C-9 engine cover was lost. |
| | 12. | 横田基地所属米兵、瑞穂町民に福生市内で暴行。米兵は逮捕される。 | A US soldier affiliated to Yokota AB assaulted a Mizuho townsperson in Fussa City. The soldier was arrested. |
| | 12. | 『横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会』同日付けで再発防止に関する要請。 | On the same day, the "Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB" requested that a recurrence be prevented. |
11. | (1999) | 1. | 暴行を行った米兵が傷害罪で起訴される。 | The US soldier assailant was charged with committing bodily harm. |
| | 4. | 横田基地の基地返還・軍民共用を公約に掲げた石原慎太郎氏が都知事に就任。 | Shintaro Ishihara, who advocated the return of the base and civil-military dual use of Yokota AB in his pledge, was appointed as the Governor of Tokyo. |
| | 4. | 瑞穂町長、新都知事に基地返還賛成・軍民共用反対の要望書を提出。 | The mayor of Mizuho submitted to the new Governor a petition that supported the return of the base but was against the civil-military dual use. |
| | 5. | 横田基地所属のC-130が、訓練中に砂袋を町田市内の民家に誤投下する事故発生。 | In another incident, during a training exercise a C-130 based at Yokota AB erroneously dropped a sandbag attached to a parachute onto a private house in Machida City. |
| | 5. | 瑞穂町議会が、基地返還賛成・軍民共用反対の決議をし、決議文を都知事に提出。 | Mizuho town council resolved to support the return of base and to oppose the civil-military dual use, and submitted this resolution statement to the Governor of Tokyo. |
| | 6. | 石原都知事、基地と瑞穂・昭島の騒音測定現場を視察。 | Governor Ishihara inspected the base and the noise measurement site in Mizuho and Akishima City. |
| | | 『横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会』の臨時会。 | An extraordinary session was held of "Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB". |
| | 6. | 瑞穂町長が、基地司令官・防衛関係機関に対してヘリコプター訓練についての要請と、基地司令官に対し、軍民共用等に関する質問状を提出。 | The mayor of Mizuho submitted to the base commander and defense agencies a request regarding the helicopter training, and questions to the base commander about the civil-military dual use, etc. |
| | 6. | 昭島市長が、都知事に対して軍民共用反対の要請書を都知事に提出 | The mayor of Akishima City submitted to the governor of Tokyo a petition against the civil-military dual use of the base. |
| | 9. | 町と議会で、国に対して軍民共用反対に関する陳情書を提出。(以後、毎年実施) | The Town and the town council submitted to the national government a petition against the civil-military dual use. (Thereafter, re-submitted every year) |
| | 10. | 都が『横田基地に関する調査』の概況調査報告書を発表。 | TMG released a summary report on the "Study on Yokota AB". |
| | | 内容は、基地に民間機が就航した場合の需要、騒音影響等について | The content was about the market demands and noise impact, etc. when civilian airplanes went into service at the base. |
| | | また、同日都庁で『横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会』の定例会が開催される。 | Also, on the same day the regular meeting of the "Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB" was held at the TMG office building. |
| | 11. | 瑞穂町長が都知事に軍民共用反対の要望書を提出。 | The mayor of Mizuho submitted the Governor of Tokyo a petition against the civil-military dual use. |
12. | (2000) | 7. | 町と議会で、国に対して横田基地に関する要望活動。(以後、毎年実施) | The Town and the town council lobbied the national government. (Repeated every year, thereafter) |
| | 9. | 都と5市1町でNLP中止要請。 | TMG and the five cities and one town requested a stop of NLP. |
| | 9. | 空母キティホーク艦載機による着陸訓練(NLP)で、周辺住民から400件以上の苦情。 | Due to the night-time landing practice (NLP) of carrier-based aircraft of the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk, more than 400 complaints were made by the neighboring residents. |
| | 9. | 町と議会、都と5市1町でNLPに対する抗議。 | The Town and the town council and the seven municipalities (TMG, five cities and one town) protested against NLP. |
13. | (2001) | 1. | 町と議会で、国、東京都に対して軍民共用化に反対する陳情。 | The Town and the town council petitioned the national government and TMG against the civil-military dual-use. |
| | 2. | 町と議会で、国及び米軍に対してNLP中止要請。 | The Town and the town council requested the national government and the US Forces to stop NLP. |
| | 3. | 滑走路改修工事を開始。 | The runway repair work began. |
| | 9. | 米軍機C-17から部品が落下し、羽村市内工場の屋根を破損する事故発生。 | An incident involving a component part fell from the C-17 US military aircraft, damaging a factory roof in Hamura City. |
| | 9. | 横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会で、米軍機C-17の部品落下事故について国、在日米軍に抗議。 | The Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB protested to the national government and the USFJ against the incident in which a part/parts fell from a C-17 US military aircraft. |
| | 9. | 米同時多発テロ発生。横田基地が厳戒態勢に。 | The 9/11 synchronized terrorist attacks occurred in the US. Yokota AB was put on the high alert. |
| | 9. | 東京都が総合防災訓練の会場として横田基地を使用。 | TMG used the Yokota AB as the venue for a full disaster response drill. |
14. | (2002) | 4. | 新横田基地公害訴訟、上告棄却。(米政府に裁判権及ばない) | The New Yokota AB Pollution Lawsuit appeal was rejected. (The Japanese jurisdiction does not extend to the US government) |
| | 5. | 5月から11月までほぼ毎月訓練(ビバリーモーニング)が実施される。 | An exercise (Beverly Morning) was carried out almost monthly from May to November. |
| | | 横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会で、国、在日米軍に抗議・要請。 | The Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB protested the national government and the USFJ protested and requested the cessation of the exercise. |
| | 5. | 新横田基地公害訴訟判決。(飛行差止却下、騒音被害過去分→一部賠償命令、将来分→却下) | The New Yokota AB Pollution Lawsuit ruling was made. (Dismissal of the flight suspension, order for a partial compensation for the past noise pollution but disallowance of any future portion of the compensation claim). |
| | 7. | 滑走路改修工事完了。 | Completion of the runway repair work. |
| | 8. | 台風13号の大雨により、殿ヶ谷地区の農地に雨水が流入。 | Due to the heavy rain of typhoon No. 13 (Phanfone), rainwater overflowed into farmland in Tonogaya District. |
| | 8. | 横田基地日米友好祭の戦闘機による展示飛行に対して都と5市1町で抗議。 | A protest was made by the TMG, five cities and one town against the exhibition flight with fighter jets at the Yokota AB Japan-US Friendship Festival. |
| | 10. | 台風21号の大雨で、殿ヶ谷地区の農地に雨水が再流入。 | Due to the heavy rain of typhoon No. 21 (Higos), rainwater overflowed into farmland in Tonogaya District. |
15. | (2003) | 1. | 殿ケ谷地区の雨水流出現場暫定措置が完了した。 | Tentative measures to fix the stormwater runoff site in Tonogaya district were completed. |
| | 1. | 第374副司令官のウエーバリングの提案により第1回横田基地助役会が開催された。 | The first meeting of the Yokota AB and Deputy Mayors of the Surrounding Municipalities was held as proposed by Ken Wavering, the vice commander of the 374th Airlift Wing. |
| | 3. | 福生市方面から時限発射装置から基地へ飛しょう弾が発射された。 | Projectiles were launched from a timed launching device towards the base from the direction of Fussa. |
| | 8. | 基地北側にあるヘリパッドから南に約1.7kmの場所に、ヘリパッドを新設。 | New helipads were constructed approximately 1.7 km to the south of the old ones which had been located on the north side of the base. |
| | 9. | C-9が退役。 | The C-9 retired. |
| | 12. | 太陽光発電システム設置工事(モニタリング事業)始まる。 | Residential solar power system installation work (a monitoring project) was started. |
16. | (2004) | 2. | 横田基地周辺市町基地対策連絡会で、国、在日米軍に総合要請。 | The Liaison Council of Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB submitted a comprehensive request to the national government and the USFJ. |
| | 5. | 米軍機C-130が埼玉県においてエンジンのテールパイプを落下させる事故発生。 | An incidence occurred in which an engine tail pipe fell from a C-130 US military in Saitama Prefecture. |
| | 5. | 横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会で、米軍機C-130の部品落下事故に関する要請活動。 | The Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB made a request to relevant organizations regarding the incident in which parts fell from a C-130 US military aircraft. |
| | 6. | 町が、アメリカ大使館に米軍横田基地の軍民共用化に反対する陳情活動。 | The Town lobbied the US Embassy against the civil-military dual-use of the US military's Yokota AB. |
| | 8. | 米軍機UH-1Nが横浜市内のヘリポートにエンジントラブルのため予防着陸。 | Due to engine trouble, a US UH-1N military aircraft made a precautionary landing at a heliport in Yokohama city. |
| | 8. | 横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会で、横田基地所属ヘリコプターの緊急着陸に伴う安全確保等の要請活動。 | The Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB made a request to relevant organizations to ensure safety relating to the emergency landing of the helicopter based at Yokota AB. |
| | 8. | 米軍機C-130が横田基地友好祭においてヘルメットを瑞穂地内に落下させる事故発生。 | An incident occurred during the Yokota Air Base Friendship Festival in which a helmet was dropped from a US C-130 military aircraft in Mizuho town. |
| | 8. | 横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会で、米軍機C-130のパラシュート部隊のヘルメット落下について要請活動。 | The Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB petitioned to relevant organizations against the helmet dropped by parachute troops of the US C-130 military aircraft. |
| | 8. | 横田基地管理下の所沢通信施設内において、発電機用燃料の軽油漏れ事故発生。 | An incident involving the leakage of generator diesel oil occurred in the Tokorozawa Communication Station under the command of the Yokota AB. |
| | 10. | 新潟県中越地震の被害者支援のため、東京都と横田基地周辺5市1町の支援物資が米軍の輸送機により横田基地から新潟空港に輸送された。 | To assist the Niigata Chuetsu earthquake victims, relief goods from TMG and five cities and one town around Yokota AB were transported from Yokota AB to Niigata Airport by US military transport aircraft. |
| | 11. | 米軍機UH-1Nが沼津市内の野球場にエンジントラブルのため予防着陸。 | A UH-1N US military aircraft made a precautionary landing at a baseball stadium in Numazu City due to engine trouble. |
| | 11. | 米軍機UH-1Nが調布飛行場に電気系統のトラブルのため予防着陸。 | A UH-1N US military aircraft made a precautionary landing at Chofu Airport due to an electric system fault. |
| | 11. | 横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会で、横田基地所属ヘリコプターの緊急着陸に伴う安全確保及び一時飛行停止の要請活動。 | The Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB lobbied regarding safety concerns and also for the temporary suspension of flights in connection with the emergency landing of the helicopter based at Yokota AB. |
| | 12. | 町と議会で、国に対して横田基地の住宅防音工事対象区域の拡充について要請活動。 | The Town and the town council petitioned the national government to expand the targeted area eligible for the residential sound insulation work around Yokota AB. |
17. | (2005) | 2. | 横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会で、横田飛行場に係る住宅防音工事対象区域の見直しについて要請活動。 | The Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB lobbied for a review of the areas targeted for residential sound insulation work project relating to Yokota AB. |
| | 5. | 米軍機UH-1Nが富士山付近のスキーリゾート駐車場にエンジントラブルのため予防着陸。 | Due to engine trouble, a UH-1N US military aircraft made a precautionary landing at a ski resort's parking lot near Mt. Fuji. |
| | 5. | 横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会で、横田基地所属ヘリコプターの緊急着陸に伴う安全確保等の要請活動。 | The Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB lobbied regarding safety concerns arising from the emergency landing of a helicopter based at Yokota AB. |
| | 7. | 横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会で、横田基地所属米兵による強盗事件にかかる規律の厳正な保持の要請活動。 | The Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB lobbied for maintaining strict discipline following a robbery by a US soldier assigned to Yokota AB. |
| | 10. | 住宅防音工事対象工事区域である第一種区域の一部指定区域解除の告示。 | Some areas designated as class 1, the target area for residential sound insulation work, were notified of the removal of their designation. |
| | 10. | 日米安全保障協議委員会(2+2)において在日米軍再編に係る中間報告がなされる。 | In the US-Japan Security Consultative Committee (2 + 2), an interim report was presented on the realignment of USFJ. |
| | 11. | 新横田基地公害訴訟高裁判決。飛行差止→棄却、将来分損害賠償→却下(一部認定)、危険への接近→不適用、過去分損害賠償額 約32億5千万円。 | The New Yokota AB Pollution Lawsuit High Court ruling was made: flight suspension was rejected; compensation for future damages was dismissed (except where authorized); compensation for increased proximity to danger was not applicable; the amount of compensation for past damages was awarded about 3,250 million yen. |
18. | (2006) | 2. | 横田基地周辺市町基地対策連絡会で、国、在日米軍に総合要請。(24年まで毎年実施) | The Liaison Council of Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB submitted a comprehensive request to USFJ. (Annually carried out until 2012) |
| | 2. | 在日米軍再編に関する中間報告における横田飛行場の航空自衛隊との共同使用について概ね容認を表明。 | An agreement was reached in general regarding the joint use of the Yokota AB with the Air Self-Defense Force as outlined in the interim report on the realignment of U.S. forces in Japan. |
| | 5. | 日米安全保障協議委員会(2+2)において在日米軍再編に係る最終合意がなされる。 | The US-Japan Security Consultative Committee (2+2) reached a final agreement on the realignment of USFJ. |
| | 10. | 横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会で、基地周辺対策の見直しに対する要望 活動。 | The Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB requested the relevant organizations a review of the measures for the areas surrounding the base. |
19. | (2007) | 3. | 横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会で、駐留軍等の再編の円滑な実施に関する特別措置法等に関する要望活動。 | The Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB presented a demand in relation to the Act on Special Measures for Smooth Implementation of Realignment of United States Forces, etc. |
| | 5. | 横田空域管制施設への自衛隊管制官併設を開始。 | A deployment of the JSDF air traffic controllers beside the Yokota airspace control facility was activated. |
| | 6. | 米軍機UH-1Nが横浜市のサッカー場にトランスミッション不調のため予防着陸。 | The UH-1N US military aircraft made a precautionary landing due to engine transmission difficulties at soccer field in Yokohama. |
| | 6. | 横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会で、横田基地所属ヘリコプターの緊急着陸に伴う安全確保等の要請活動。 | The Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB lobbied for ensuring safety following the emergency landing of the helicopter based at Yokota AB. |
| | 6. | 町が八都県市首脳会議に対し、横田飛行場の民間航空利用等の早期実現に向けての要望に対する抗議文を提出。 | The Town submitted a written protest to the Eight Municipal Government Summit against their wish towards the early realization of civil aviation use, etc. of Yokota AB. |
| | 6. | C-21からC-12へ横田基地常駐機が変更。 | The permanently stationed aircraft at Yokota AB were changed from the C-12 to the C-21 type. |
| | 9. | 横田基地内給油場で燃料漏れ事故発生。 | A fuel leakage incident occurred at the refueling facility in the Yokota AB. |
| | 9. | 横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会で、燃料漏れ事故の再発防止について要請活動。 | The Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB requested the relevant organization for measures to prevent a recurrence. |
| | 10. | 町と議会で、アメリカ大使館に米軍横田基地の軍民共用化に反対する陳情活動。 | The Town and the town council lobbied the US Embassy against the civil-military dual-use of the US military Yokota AB. |
| | 11. | 国連軍後方司令部がキャンプ座間から横田基地へ移転。 | The United Nations Command Rear Headquarters were transferred from Camp Zama to Yokota Air Base. |
| | 12. | 米軍機UH-1Nが新座市の朝霞駐屯地にトランスミッション不調のため予防着陸。 | A UH-1N US military aircraft made a precautionary landing at JGSDF's Camp Asaka in Niiza City due to an engine transmission dysfunction. |
| | 12. | 横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会で、横田基地所属ヘリコプターの緊急着陸に伴う安全確保等の要請活動。 | Following the emergency landing of the helicopter based at Yokota AB, the Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB requested the relevant authority to ensure greater safety. |
20. | (2008) | 1. | 航空自衛隊航空総隊司令部庁舎移転工事始まる。 | Construction work began regarding the relocation of the JASDF Air Defense Command Headquarters building. |
| | 2. | 横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会で、沖縄県における米海兵隊員の女子中学生暴行事件を受けて周辺住民の安全確保等について要請活動。 | The Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB requested the relevant organizations to ensure the safety of local residents following the assault of a junior high school girl by a US Marine in Okinawa. |
| | 6. | 米軍機UH-1Nが相模原市の川原にトランスミッション不調のため予防着陸。 | A UH-1N US military aircraft made a precautionary landing on a Sagamihara City riverbank following an engine transmission malfunction. |
| | 6. | 横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会で、横田基地所属ヘリコプターの緊急着陸に伴う安全確保等の要請活動。 | The Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB requested the relevant organizations to address safety concerns arising from the emergency landing of the helicopter based at Yokota AB. |
| | 6. | 横田基地に輸送及び整備に関する指揮司令を行う第515航空機動運用群が発足。 | The 515th Air Mobility Operations Group was activated to take command of the transport and maintenance on the Yokota AB. |
| | 7. | 米軍機UH-1Nが立川市又は昭島市(場所不明)にペットポトルを落下させる事故発生。 | An incident involved a PET bottle being dropped from a UH-1N US military aircraft in Tachikawa City or Akishima City (location unknown). |
| | 7. | 横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会で、横田基地所属ヘリコプターからのペットボトル落下事故に関する要請活動。 | The Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB made a representation followed this PET bottle incident involving a helicopter based at Yokota AB. |
| | 7. | 米軍機C-130が埼玉県においてアンテナを落下させる事故発生。 | An incident involved an antenna falling from C-130 US military aircraft in Saitama Prefecture. |
| | 7. | 横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会で、横田基地所属C-130からの部品脱落事故に関する要請活動。 | The Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB made a request in relation to the incident in which a part had fallen from the C-130 based at Yokota AB. |
| | 8. | 横田基地周辺市町基地対策連絡会で、国に対し防音対策事業採択に関する要請活動。 | The Liaison Council of Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB requested the national government to adopt the sound insulation project. |
| | 9. | 横田空域が一部返還される。 | A portion of the Yokota airspace was returned to Japan. |
21. | (2009) | 1. | 横田基地内の国防財務会計事務所で火災発生。 | A fire broke out in the US Defense Finance and Accounting Service office in the Yokota AB. |
| | 1. | 横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会で、横田基地内での火災事故に関する要請活動。 | The Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB made a request in relation to the fire incident in Yokota AB. |
| | 4. | 第4次横田基地騒音公害訴訟上告棄却。 | The Fourth Yokota Air Base Noise Pollution Lawsuit was rejected. |
| | 12. | 横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会で、防衛施設周辺対策制度の見直しについて要望活動。 | The Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB made a request in relation to incident in which a PET bottle fell from a helicopter based at Yokota AB. |
22. | (2010) | 7. | 横田基地内で航空機への給油中に燃料漏れ(約40ガロン)発生、大半は回収。 | Fuel leakage (about 40 gallons) occurred during the refueling of an aircraft in the Yokota AB, but the fuel was mostly recovered. |
| | 9. | 横田基地所属ヘリコプター(UH-1N)が調布飛行場にエンジントラブルのため予防着陸。 | A UH-1N helicopter, based at Yokota AB made a precautionary landing due to engine trouble at Chofu Air Port. |
23. | (2011) | 1. | 横田基地所属軍人が飲酒運転で人身事故を起こし逮捕される。 | A military personnel member assigned to Yokota AB was arrested for causing an injury accident resulting from drunk driving. |
| | 3. | 東日本大震災に際し、「トモダチ作戦」司令部を横田基地に設置(~4月)。米軍及び豪空軍が横田基地より支援活動を行う。 | With the Great East Japan Earthquake, the "Operation Tomodachi" headquarters was established at Yokota AB (until April). US Forces and the Australian Air Force carried out support activities from Yokota AB. |
24. | (2012) | 2. | 横田基地所属軍属等が福生市内で強盗傷害事件を起こし逮捕される。 | Civilian employees assigned to Yokota AB were arrested following a robbery/injury incident in Fussa City. |
| | 3. | 航空自衛隊航空総隊司令部が横田基地への移転を完了し、運用を開始する。 | The JASDF Air Defense Command completed the transfer to the Yokota base and began operation. |
| | 4. | 横田基地所属軍人が港区内で傷害事件を起こし現行犯逮捕される。 | A military personnel member assigned to Yokota AB was arrested in an incident involving an injury in Minato-ku, Tokyo. |
| | 12. | 第9次横田基地公害訴訟原告団が東京地裁立川支部へ提訴。 | The ninth Yokota Air Base Pollution Lawsuit plaintiffs group filed a suit at the Tachikawa branch of the Tokyo District Court. |
| | 12. | 猪瀬直樹氏が東京都知事に就任。軍民共用化政策を継承すると表明。 | Naoki Inose was appointed as the governor of Tokyo. He announced he would continue with the civil-military dual-use policy. |
25. | (2013) | 3. | 第2次新横田基地公害訴訟原告団が東京地裁立川支部へ提訴。 | The second New Yokota Air Base Pollution Lawsuit plaintiffs' group filed a suit at the Tachikawa branch of the Tokyo District Court. |
| | 7. | 横田基地所属軍属とその家族が福生市内で傷害事件を起こし逮捕。被害者は8月に死亡。 | A civilian employees assigned to Yokota AB and his family were arrested regarding an incident involving injury in Fussa City. The victim died in August. |
| | 7. | 横田基地所属のC-130が飛行中に部品紛失。(場所不明) | A C-130 based at Yokota lost a piece of an aircraft component in flight. (The location unknown.) |
| | 8. | 横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会で、C-130による部品紛失に関する要請活動。 | The Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB made a request in relation to the loss of a part from the C-130. |
| | 9. | 横田基地所属軍人が武蔵村山市内で交通事故。住民1人が重傷。 | A military personnel member assigned to Yokota AB was involved in a traffic accident in Musashimurayama City. A local resident was seriously injured. |
| | 11. | 横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会で、国に総合要請。 | The Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB made a comprehensive request to the national government. |
| | 12. | 横田基地に関する東京都と周辺市町連絡協議会で、在日米軍に総合要請。 | The Liaison Council of TMG and Municipalities Surrounding Yokota AB Concerning Yokota AB made a comprehensive request to the USFJ. |