(1)基地常駐機(1) Resident Aircraft at the Base

20 ~ 20 / 65ページ
●ロッキード・マーティン C-130

● Lockheed Martin's C-130

A four-engine turboprop, medium-range military transport, also employed by Japan Self-Defense Forces. As the main aircraft of the 345th Tactical Airlift Squadron, it was transferred from the Okinawa base in September 1975.
 横田基地で年間を通じて離発着の最も多い機種であり、編隊飛行も含め、日常的に訓練が行われている。 Involved in routine training flights, including formation flying, this aircraft accounts for the most frequent takeoffs and landings throughout the year at Yokota Air Base.
 この写真は庁舎屋上から撮影したものであり、旋回時に機体上面が見えるほどの低空飛行も行われている。 The photo taken from the rooftop of the Town Office building shows an aircraft turning at low-altitude, as indicated by its visible top surface.

●ビーチクラフト C-12J

● Beechcraft C-12J

A twin-engine, turboprop aircraft, used not only for freight and passenger transport but also for medical relief.

●ベル UH-1N

● Bell UH-1N

A medium-sized, single-engine, general-purpose turbine helicopter.
基地周辺での訓練時には低空で市街地上空を旋回飛行するため、苦情が寄せられる。 During flight training around the base, complaints are brought to the town office regarding the helicopter’s low-altitude circling over the urban area.