(1)騒音対策(1) Noise pollution counter-measures

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 当町は、基地の北側に隣接し、滑走路が町の中心部を抉るように延び、滑走路の進入表面に駅が存在するといった特殊な場所に位置している。また、国で指定した第1種区域が、町全体の約4割を占めている。そのために、通常の離着陸をはじめ基地の常駐機による旋回訓練やNLP、さらにヘリコプターによる低空飛行等、日夜騒音に悩まされ続けている。また、騒音問題は、航空機だけではなく、平成13年9月の米国における同時多発テロ以降、横田基地ではジャイアントボイス(拡声器)を使用した訓練が実施され、大音響やサイレン等が周辺住民に大きな不安を与えている。Our town has a unique location beside the north side of the base, where its extended runway cuts through the center of the town and the train station is positioned at the approach of the runway. On top of that, approximately 40% of the whole town has been nationally designated a class 1 area. The result is that the residents continue to endure around-the-clock noise, not only from the usual takeoffs and landings, but also from turn circular flight training and NLP by aircraft stationed at the base, as well as from low-flying helicopters. However, noise problems are not limited only to these aircraft. After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, training exercises using the Giant Voice loudspeaker have been carried out at the Yokota base and its the loud, booming noise, siren, etc. are very unsettling for the residents around the base.
 町にとって基地周辺対策は、重要な行政課題であり、騒音問題について積極的に取り組んでいる。For the town, environmental protection measures around the base are important priorities for our local administration, and so we are working actively to combat the noise problem.