航空機騒音の住民生活に与える被害は、会話の中断、睡眠不足等多種多様であるが、こうした被害の軽減を図るため、昭和49年に現行法が制定された際、新たに制度化されたものである。この住宅防音工事の助成は、防衛大臣が第一種区域を指定した際、現にその区域内に所在する住宅で、所有者又は当該住宅の使用権限を有する者が騒音の防止又は軽減のために必要な工事を行うときに受けられるものであり、補助の割合は原則として100%である。 | While damage from aircraft noise affecting residents’ quality of life varies widely, ranging for example from interrupted conversation to deprived sleep, the subsidy was recently formalized as a scheme designed to mitigate such damage, when the current law was enacted in 1974. This subsidy for residential sound insulation work can be claimed by an owner of, or by a person with the right to use, a house actually located within the area, designated by the Minister of Defense as the class 1 area, when carrying out the necessary work to the prevent or reduce the noise, and in principle the financial subsidy covers 100% of the outlay. |
第一種区域の指定基準は、住宅防音工事の進捗状況を踏まえて、段階的に(当初85W、次に80W、現在75W)改正されている。 | The designation criteria of the class 1 area has been amended to reflect the progress of the residential sound insulation work (gradually changed from the original noise level at 85 W to 80 W, and currently 75 W, where W stands for WECPNL). |
平成11年度から、防音工事施工後10年以上経過し、且つ建替をした住宅に対して再度工事を補助する制度が始まった。 | From the 1999 fiscal year, a new scheme began to assist the re-installation work for the house which underwent sound insulation work 10 years or more ago and has since been rebuilt. |
平成14年度から85W以上の区域を対象に、家屋全体を一つの区画として、その外郭について実施する外郭防音工事が実施された。平成15年度からは原則90W以上の区域を対象に太陽光発電システム設置助成に係るモニタリング事業が実施され、横田基地周辺においては平成18年度までに設置工事を完了し、調査・検討が行われている。 | Since the 2002 fiscal year, in the target area with a noise level of 85 W or more, an individual entire house is regarded as one compartment, and the external sound insulation work is now carried out on its exterior. From the 2003 fiscal year, a monitoring project, concerning the solar power generation system installation grant, was carried out in the target areas with noise levels of 90 W or more in principle. Around the Yokota Air Base, the installation work was completed by the 2006 fiscal year, and the surveys and studies have been carried out. |
平成17年10月20日には、新たな第一種区域等について告示があり、町内における助成対象区域の一部が指定解除され、平成19年5月1日より適用された。一方、新たな施策として85W以上に所在する住宅に対し、当初の告示以降に建設された住宅に対する防音工事の助成が開始され、現時点では平成6年3月31日までに建設された住宅に対する防音工事の助成が行われている。 | On October 20, 2005, a notice concerning the new class 1 area, etc. was issued, announcing that the designation for the subsidy was to be cancelled in a part of the subjected area in the town and it was applied from May 1, 2007. On the other hand, for the houses which are located in the area with noise levels of 85 W or greater, and which were built after the issue of the initial notice, the sound insulation work subsidy was started as a new measure, and the sound insulation work subsidy is currently being given to the houses built before March 31, 1994. |
※巻末資料:「横田飛行場における住宅防音工事・移転対象区域図(瑞穂町)」 | * Appendix: "A Diagram of the Target Area for Residential Sound Insulation Work and Relocation around the Yokota Air Base (Mizuho Town)" |
工事内容は、第Ⅰ工法・第Ⅱ工法の2種類があり、第Ⅰ工法は防音天井・防音壁の改造、防音サッシ・防音建具(襖、ガラス戸等)の取付け、換気扇・冷暖房機(最大4台)等の設置となっている。また、第Ⅱ工法は、第Ⅰ工法の防音天井・防音壁の改造を除いた工事で、冷暖房機は2台までとなっている。工事対象となる室数は家族人数に1を加えたもので、最大5室までである。 | As for the work, two types of approach, method I and method II, are applicable. Method I involves modifying to create soundproof ceilings and soundproofed walls, mounting of soundproof metal window frames and/or soundproofing joinery (for fusuma sliding door, glass door, etc.), and installing ventilators and/or air conditioners (up to 4 units), etc. Also, the method II is the work excluding the remodeling of the soundproof ceiling and/or soundproofing wall of the Method I, and allowing the air conditioning units up to 2. Number of rooms targeted for work is calculated according to the number of family members in a household plus one, and may go up to 5 rooms. |
町では新規工事として昭和50年度より家族人数に応じ1~2室を対象に実施され、その後、追加工事として昭和54年度より実施されている。工事の進捗や住宅の多様化に対応し、現在は以下の防音工事が行われている。 | In our town, it had been carried out as a new work project since 1975 fiscal year for a target of 1-2 rooms per household depending on the family size, and subsequently it has been implemented as additional work since the 1979 fiscal year. In keeping up with the progress of work and housing diversification, the following sound insulation work is now being carried out. |
(1)住宅防音工事 | (1) Residential sound insulation work |
ア 一挙工事 | A: Work to be done in a single stage |
防音工事が実施していない住宅を対象とする。世帯人員に1を加えた居室数(5部屋まで)が施工可能である。 | It is undertaken for a house for which sound insulation work has not been implemented. The work for the number of rooms (namely, the number of household members plus one, up to 5 rooms) can be commenced. |
イ 追加工事 | B: Additional work |
新規防音工事を実施した住宅を対象とする。世帯人員に1を加えた居室数(5部屋まで)から過去の施工室数を引いた部屋数の施工が可能である。 | It is undertaken for a house for which a new sound insulation work has been carried out. The work can be carried out for the number of rooms, (namely, the number of household members added with one, up to 5 rooms), but less the number of rooms that had been furbished in the past. |
ウ 防音区画改善工事 | C: Soundproof compartment improvement work |
バリアフリー対応住宅、フレックス対応住宅、障がい者や要介護者が居住する住宅を対象とする。台所、区画された玄関、廊下、浴室その他の居室以外の区画と居室を一つの区画とし、世帯人数が4人以下なら5部屋まで、5人以上であれば人数に1を加えた居室数の施工が可能である。追加防音工事実施済み住宅の場合、完了後10年以上経過した住宅を対象とする。 | It is intended for barrier-free housing, housing with flexible partitions, and the houses where there are people with disabilities and those requiring care. By regarding the "non-living rooms" (kitchen, partitioned entrance, hallway, bathroom and other rooms) and the "living rooms" (living room, dining room and individual family member's rooms) as one compartment, the work can be carried out for up to 5 rooms where the household members are 4 or less, or up to the number of the household members of 5 or more plus 1. In the case of houses for which additional soundproofing has already been implemented, the subject house is one where work was completed more than 10 years ago. |
エ 外郭防音工事 | D: External sound insulation work |
住宅全体を防音区画とする。初めて防音工事を行う鉄筋コンクリート造の集合住宅、又は85W以上の区域に所在する住宅が対象となる。 | The whole house is regarded as one soundproof compartment. It is targeted for a collective housing complex, built of reinforced concrete, where it is intended to undertake sound insulation work for the first time or where a house is located in an area where noise levels are 85 W or greater. |
(2)機能復旧工事 | (2) Work to restore functionality |
ア 空気調和機器機能復旧工事 | A: Work to restore air conditioning equipment function |
住宅防音工事により設置した空気調和機器(換気扇、冷暖房機、レンジフード)で、設置後10年以上経過し、機能の全部又は一部を保持していない機器を交換する工事。事業費の90%(生活保護世帯については100%)を国が補助する。 | The work to replace to a new air conditioning equipment (ventilators, air conditioners, and range hood) from an old one, that was installed by a residential soundproofing work 10 years or more ago, and that does not hold all or part of the functions. The national government assists with 90% of the project cost (100% for welfare households) |
イ 防音建具機能復旧工事 | B: Restoring the function of soundproof joinery |
住宅防音工事により設置した防音建具で、設置後10年以上経過し、機能の全部又は一部を保持していない機器を交換する工事。国が全額を補助する。 | Replacement of sound insulation fittings or joinery first installed 10 years or more earlier under the residential soundproofing program and is no longer fully functional. The national government covers the entire cost. |
また、住宅防音工事により取り付けた冷暖房機等の維持管理については、生活保護世帯に対し電気料金の一部について助成されている。 | In addition, for the maintenance of air conditioners, etc., installed under the residential soundproofing project, public welfare-assisted households are subsidized for a part of the electricity bill. |
町内での防音工事実績 Results of the sound insulation work in Mizuho | (単位:件) (Unit: Case) |
平成19年度まで Until 2007 | 20年度 2008 | 21年度 2009 | 22年度 2010 | 23年度 2011 | 24年度 2012 | 累計 Total | |
住宅防音工事 Residential soundproof work | 8,625 | 164 | 50 | 45 | 55 | 51 | 8,990 |
機能復旧工事 Functionality restoration work | 1,537 | 154 | 192 | 362 | 147 | 54 | 2,446 |