一、箱根ケ崎1. Hakonegasaki

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 ハコとは神の棲むという古語、ネは山。神のすむ聖なる山を狭山丘陵だとすれば、その西の端、つまり、サキの村ということになるという説をなすものがいる。The name is a composite word. An archaic word, 'hako', means a place where 'Kami' (Shinto deity) dwells, and 'ne' meaning a mountain. If the sacred mountain where the Kami lives indicates the Sayama Hills, it means, according to one theory, that the village is at the western front or 'saki', namely, front-village.
 また、諏訪神社の先に発達した村が柴崎村(立川市、調布市、)であり箱根権現(ごんげん)の先に発達した村が箱根ケ崎村であるという説もある。Also, another theory suggests that since the village which developed down the road from Suwa Shrine was Shibasaki Village (present cities of Tachikawa-shi and Chofu-shi), Hakonegasaki was the village which developed down the road from Hakone Gongen Shrine.
 この他筥の池(はこのいけ)(狭山池(さやまいけ))の先に発達した村であるから箱根ケ崎村であるとの説をなすものもいる。Moreover, according to yet another theory, Hakonegasaki was so-called because it was the village that had developed farther down from the Hako-no-ike (a box-like pond, i.e., Sayama Pond).
 しかし、これらは、何かもって回ったような感じがしないでもない。もっと単純に、かつて、この地を通った何者かが、その地形が、相州の箱根を小規模にしたものに似ていると思い、丘の上に箱根権現を勧請(かんじょう)し、池には筥の池の名を付け、その附近の集落に箱根よりも先(都より遠く離れた)にある村という地名をつけたと推測するのは如何なものであろう。However, we feel that these theories represent less than straightforward interpretations. Rather, this simpler explanation may be considered: once upon a time someone passing through this land had imagined that the terrain resembled a small-scale Hakone in Soshu (Sagami Province), and founded a shrine on the hill by Kanjo (branching) of the Hakone Gongen, and gave the pond the name of Hako-no-ike, and had also named the settlement around there as the village farther down from Hakone (Hakone-no-saki) (and further still from the capital city).
 近くに富士山、高根、駒形(こまがた)などの地名があり、浅間神社(せんげんじんじゃ)など祀られていることを考え合せる時、或る時期例えば、金子十郎家忠が京都に上った帰路とか、箱根権現(ごんげん)の修験者(しゅげんじゃ)が諸国回遊の折とかに命名したとしたら現実味が加わると思うが………When we consider the fact that there are place names such as Fujiyama, Takane, and Komagata, and also Sengen Shrine being venerated nearby, it would be more realistic to suppose that it was thus-named at some time, for example, when Kaneko Jūro Ietada was traveling back from Kyoto, or on the occasion when Shugenja (a mountain ascetic monk) of the Hakone Gongen was traveling around Japan.
 いずれにしても、承久年開(一二二〇年ごろ)に書かれた八雲御抄(やぐもみしょう)に「筥の池武蔵国」として記し、鎌倉末期の歌集夫木集(ふぼくしゅう)に狭山池を詠んだ歌がのせられており、又鎌倉時代の銘のある板碑(び)も発見されるところから中世には既に集落が発達していたであろうことを予測させる。 In any case, it may be inferred that settlements had already developed in the Middle Ages from the following: ”Hako-no-ike (box pond) of Musashi Province” was described in the ”Yagumo-misho” (His Majesty's Yakumo Treatise, an essay on the 31-syllable Japanese poem, 'waka') written by the emperor Juntoku during the Shokyu period (around 1220); a waka composed on Sayama Pond was included in a waka anthology, Fuboku-shu, compiled at the end of the Kamakura period; and an 'Itabi' (stone tablet monument) with an inscription from the Kamakura period also found in that place.
 箱根ケ崎という文字は、永禄七年(一五六四年)北条氏照の発した清戸三番衆状(きよとさんばんしゅうじょう)に「箱根賀崎にて相集り……」と記されており、この頃近隣に通ずる地名となっていたことは明らかである。It is clear that Hakonegasaki (箱根ケ崎) had become a place name known in the neighborhood in those days because the word Hakonegasaki was used in expressions like "to meet each other at Hakonegasaki (箱根賀崎) ... " in the Kiyoto Sanbanshū-jo, a letter of orders written by Hojo Ujiteru in Eiroku 7 (1564).
 箱根ケ崎の地名については、北から南へと位置を移動しながら、そこに現われる地名の解説をとも考えたが、点というより線について関連のある地名が多いので、いくつかのセクションに分類して解説をすることにした。In this section on Hakonegasaki's place names, it was decided to provide a commentary based on their classification into several sections, since many names are more usually linked in a linear fashion, rather than being randomly-scattered points, even though our first thought had been to list them in order of their position on a north-south axis.