(青目海道、大目海道と記したものもある。) | (other homophone character combinations used for "Ome" were 青目海道 [blue eye sea road] and 大目海道 [large eye sea road] ) |
慶長年間に新町の開拓者吉野織部助(おりべのすけ)が箱根ケ崎への道を開いたという説がある。新町から、長谷部、下師岡両新田の境を東西に走り、箱根ケ崎に入る。 | According to one theory, the road to Hakonegasaki was opened by Yoshino Oribenosuke, a pioneer of the new town of 'Shinmachi' (new town) in the Keicho period (1596-1615). The Ome Kaido runs east-west from Shinmachi to Hakonegasaki passing through along the boundary with Hasebe Shinden and also with Shimo-Morooka Shinden. |
松原で新青梅街道と分れて直進し、篠(しの)ノ台、宗安塚及び円福寺の南を通って、日光街道に交わる。古くはいっぱら道(日原道)ともみたけ道とも呼ばれていた。 | It is divided into Shin-Ome Kaido and Ome Kaido at Matsubara, but the latter runs straight eastward through Shino-no-dai, Muneyasu-zuka and the south of Enpuku-ji Temple, and reaches the intersection with Nikko Kaido. In the old days, Ome Kaido was also referred to as Ippara-michi (Ippara road) and also Mitake-michi. |
小菅、柳沢峠を越して、塩山市に至り甲府に達するので甲州脇往還とも呼ばれ、御嶽道者の姿も多く見かけられた。 | It was also called Koshu Waki-okan (subroute or alternative highway to Koshu, i.e., Kai Province), because it runs to Kofu through Kosuge, the Yanagisawa toge mountain-pass, and Enzan-shi (now Koshu-shi), and many Mitake-doja (pilgrims to the shrine on Mt. Mitake) also used the road. |
この街道に添って南北にできたのが横宿(よこじゅく)といわれる集落である。 | Along this highway north and south, a settlement called Yokoj-juku developed. |