(三)大江戸海道(3) Oedo Kaido

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 原江戸街道、土手街道、桜街道等土地によって呼称はちがうが、慶長十一年江戸城改築のため成木の石灰を運ぶ必要から、大久保長安によって開かれたという。江戸城の裏門にあたる半蔵門を起点に新宿で甲州街道と分れ、中野‐萩窪‐田無‐小川‐箱根ケ崎‐表川村‐成木に至る。武蔵野台地を一直線に走り道巾も四間あった。This kaido had the different name such as Hara-Edo Kaido, Dote Kaido, or Sakura Kaido, depending on the areas that it passed through, and it was said to have been developed by Okubo Nagayasu in Keicho period 11 (1606) to allow lime to be delivered from Nariki to Edo for the Edo Castle reconstruction. Starting from Hanzomon, the rear gate of Edo Castle, it ran through Shin-juku, where it separated from Koshu Kaido, and reached Nariki after passing through Nakano - Ogikubo - Tanashi - Ogawa - Hakonegasaki - Omotegawa Village. It ran straight through the Musashino Plateau and its width was even 4-ken (approx. 7 m).
人家に離れていたので近道を急ぐ馬方は利用したが、一般の人は青梅街道を利用するのが普通であった。Because the road was set away from any housing, it was common for ordinary people to use Ome Kaido, while packhorse drivers in a hurry used this shortcut.
第四小学校の南側に名残りを止めているが道路は左右から浸蝕され狭くなっている。Remaining features of the road can be seen on the south side of Mizuho 4th Primary School, but the road has become narrowed on account of the erosion on both sides.