(四)秩父海道(4) Chichibu Kaido

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 俗に藤橋街道、七日市場街道、小布市街道(こぶいちかいどう)等と呼ばれている。青梅街道が八高線の踏切りを越してから約一〇〇m西に行くと、宗安塚のところで二又に分れる。右方の道が秩父街道である。第二中学校の裏をすぎて七軒新田を通りすぎると所沢‐青梅往還と交差する。更に北進すると坂にかかりやがて豊岡‐青梅往還と交差する。ここが七日市場であり更に霞川を渡って笹仁田(ささにた)峠に達する。この道を下ると岩蔵温泉につき当る。直竹(なおたけ)‐名栗を経て秩父に至るコースである。It was popularly known as Fujihashi Kaido, Nanoka-ichiba (the market which opens on the days with "7", i.e., 7th, 17th and 27th of the month) Kaido, Kobuichi Kaido, etc. Ome Kaido is divided into two at the Muneyasu-zuka which is about 100 m west of the railway crossing with the Hachiko Line. The road on the right-hand side is Chichibu Kaido. Further down to the west, after passing through the back of Mizuho 2nd Junior High School and Shichiken-Shinden (seven houses shinden), Chichibu Kaido crosses over Tokorozawa-Ome Okan highway. Further north, it passes a slope and soon reaches the crossing with the Toyo'oka-Ome-Okan. This is the Nanoka-Ichiba, and after crossing the Kasumi-gawa River further down, the highway reaches Sasanita-toge (mountain pass). Down the slope from the mountain pass, the highway reaches the dead end at Iwakura Onsen (hot spring). Through Naotake and Naguri, it is the course ileading to Chichibu.
 またこの道は中井を経て成木(なりき)にも通じていたので、石灰の運搬の際に利用されたのではないかと思う。Since this road was also connected to Nariki through Nakai, it is thought that it might have been used at the time when the lime was transported.