根岸屋菓子店(もとは、飲食店兼旅籠経営)の南脇を東に入る道。石畑、殿ケ谷村の南端を通り、岸村に入る。東村山の駅の手前を左折し、清瀬にすすみ、志木河岸に達した。そのため、この道を志木街道とも呼んでいる。 | The kaido, which is situated at the south side of Negishi-ya confectionary shop (which originally ran an eatery and inn), leads on to the east. It passes through the southern tip of Ishihata and Tonogaya villages and enters Kishi village. Then, it turns left at the Higashi-Murayama Station, proceeds to Kiyose, reaching the riverbank at Shiki. Therefore, this road was also referred to as Shiki Kaido. |
維新後大江戸街道や江戸街道の利用者は減ったが、狭山丘陵の麓の村々を結ぶこの道を利用するものはかなり多かった。従来は、青梅橋から奈良橋に向う道は山口道といって、山口観音への道或は所沢への細い道であったが、拡巾してバスを通し、大江戸街道と下海道とを結んだ。その為この道が青梅街道と呼称されるようになった。 | Although travellers using Oedo Kaido and Edo Kaido decreased after the Meiji Restoration, a good many travelled along this road's connection between the villages at the foot of the Sayama Hills. Earlier, the road which leads from Ome-bashi bridge to Nara-hashi bridge was called Yamaguchi-michi (Yamaguchi road), and was then a narrow road, leading to Yamaguchi Kannon (Bodhisativa of mercy) or Tokorozawa. However, it was widened and a bus service inaugurated to connect Oed Kaido and Shimo Kaido. For this reason, the road was referred to as Ome Kaido. |
根岸屋と道を挟んで南側は元名主村山次郎右衛門の屋敷跡でここには高札場があり、一時戸長役場もおかれたことがある。 | On the south side of the road, across the Negishi-ya, there used to be a house belonging to the village headman Murayama Jiro'emon, and a 'Kosatsu-ba' (a place to post an official notice board), and also this was once the temporary location of a kocho-yakuba (a village office whose head was appointed by government). |