(七)大神海道(7) Okami Kaido

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 町営グランドで日光街道に分れて南東に進む道で、西砂川を経て大神村に至る。ここで多摩川を渡り北平を通って日光街道に出る。拝島宿を通るわずらわしさもなく、畠の中の近道であったので、馬方がよく利用したらしい。幕末の頃、拝島村の名主から、箱根ケ崎宿役人に宛て「拝島宿がさびれるので、拝島を通るよう馬方に指示して貰いたい」という文書が届けられている。This kaido proceeded to the southeast after splitting off from Nikko Kaido at the municipal sport ground, and led to Okami Village by way of Nishi-Sunagawa. Here the road runs across the Tama River, and reaches Nikko Kaido through Kita-daira. Because it was the shortcut across crop fields, bypassing the congested Haijima-shuku station, it was frequently preferred by packhorse drivers. During the Edo period, a document was delivered with these instructions to the officials of Hakonegasaki station from the headman of Haijima Village: "because Haijima Station is declining economically, please instruct the packhorse drivers to henceforth pass through Haijima".