(十一)うらなし海道(11) Uranashi Kaido

6 ~ 7 / 40ページ
(裏無海道、浦無海道等と記されている場合かあるが、本来は、うら=先端の方がない行き止り道とでもいう意味であろう。)(while 'Uranashi' may be written homophonetically in as 'うらなし', '裏無' or '浦無', it may originally have meant a dead-end road, where "ura" meant "tip" or "end", thereby implying "no further passageway".)
 福生街道を加藤塚のところで右折し、塚の北側を西北方に進む(現在は八高線の構内に入るため道をつけ変えてある。)と松原踏切を越え左折した野道が町営住宅の間を通ってこの道につき当る。その先を少し行ったところを左折すると末は三つの野道に分れ、林の中に消える。この道添いは早い時代から開墾が進んでいた模様である。This kaido can be reached in the following way. First, one turns right at the Kato-zuka mound on Fussa Kaido, and proceeds on the north side of the mound north-westward (although the present road was redirected because of the former path extended into the Hachiko Line's premises). Then one proceeds further, by passing the rail crossing at Matsubara and turning left into a field path, and continues through the metropolitan housing until the path ends at this kaido. When one proceeds along this road a little farther and turns left, the road divides into three field paths and then disappears into the forest. It seems that land clearance along this road had been carried out from early times.