鎌倉或は小田原や滝山方面と上州とを結ぶ古道と思われるが、狭山池の東、狭山神社の西を通る道がそれであろうと思われる。 | It is considered to be an ancient road connecting Kamakura, Odawara or Takiyama area with Joshū (Kozuke Province, present Gunma prefecture), and is believed to correspond to a road passing the east of Sayama pond and the west of Sayama Shrine. |
南は円福寺の墓地と坊主山(ぼうずやま)(現如意輪幼稚園の敷地)の間を通って杉山稲荷の西側を通り、箱根ケ崎駅舎の真下を通って六道の辻に交わり更に南西に進んで羽村街道に合する道。北は栗原新田の東側を通り、金子駅の東を北進して、南峯で八高線のガードをくぐりその西側を併進して高崎方面に向う道。 | The southern end of the road runs between the cemetery of Enpuku-ji temple and Bozuyama (a bare hill, the site of the current Nyoirin Kindergarten), and passes through the west side of Sugiyama Inari shrine, and right beneath the new Hakonegasaki Station building. It crosses over the Rokudo-no-tsuji (six-way intersection), and proceeds farther southwest to merge with Hamura Kaido. The northern part of the road runs along the eastern side of Kurihara Shinden, proceeds farther northward through the eastern side of Kaneko Station, passes through the underpass of the Hachiko Line at Minami-Mine, and follows the railway track along the west side to the Takasaki direction. |