青梅街道と国道十六号の交差点の東北にある(箱根ケ崎一三二番地)国道の通っているところは、もと上州街道が通っており、青梅方面からの取付きの場所でもあって、軍事、交通上の要地であった。 | It is located in the northeast of the intersection of Ome Kaido and National Route 16 (address: 132 Hakonegasaki, Mizuho). The national road runs along the former route of Joshū Kaido, and consequently was the entry point from the Ome area, and was regarded as a key military and traffic access point. |
円福寺は、もと石畑、殿ケ谷の境にある北小橋(ほっこばし)附近にあったものを、村山土佐守の陣屋敷のあったこの地に移転再建したとの説がある。 | According to one theory, Enpuku-ji temple used to be situated in the neighborhood of Hokkobashi bridge at the border of Ishihata and Tonogaya, but was relocated and rebuilt in this location where the lodge of Murayama Tosanokami existed. |
臨済完建長寺派、本尊薬師如来、開基村山土佐守義光、開山は梅室慶香和尚(天正十五年示寂)である。 | Belonging to the Rinzai-sect's Kenchoji shool, it was dedicated to Yakushi'nyorai (Bhaisajyaguru, or the Buddha of Healing). It was erected by Murayama Tosanokami Yoshimitsu, and its priest was Baishitsu Keiko (died in Tensho 15, or 1587). |