(四)稲荷(いなり)(4) Inari

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 (稲荷マエ、稲荷セドなどの地名もある。)これは通称松原稲荷のことで、松原街道と、金子街道とが交差する北東の小高い林の中にある稲荷。近年迄森が残っていたが、戦後、大木が航空機の離着陸に支障があるとの理由で伐採された。松原街道は、青梅街道に比べて起伏が少く、狭山池の湿地を避けることができたので、古くから、青梅方面への道として利用されていたものと思う。(There are also place names such as Inari-mae and Inari-sedo.) In this case, it is the commonly referred to as 'Matsubara Inari', which is the Inari shrine located in the slightly elevated forest in the northeast of the intersection of Matsubara Kaido and Kaneko Kaido. The forest remained intact until recent years, but after the war, large trees were cut down because they would be an obstacle for aircraft landing and taking off. Since ancient times, Matsubara Kaido is thought to have been the route to the Ome area on account of it having fewer undulations than Ome Kaido, and making it possible to avoid the Sayama Pond marshes.