(二)池回り(いけまわり)(2) Ikekai-mawari (around the pond)

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 昔の狭山池はもう少し、北西に中心があり、南北六〇〇m、東西四五〇m、面積一八ha程もある大きな池であったろうといわれる。これは満水の時の広さで、これ以上水が多くなると、不老川(としとらずがわ)へ溢れて流れ出たという。 It has been said that in the old days the center of Sayama pond was a little farther northwest, and this body of water was quite large with dimensions of approx. 600 m north-south, 450 m east-west, and an area of 18 ha. This was the size when the water level was at its maximum, and at higher levels, the water over-flowed into Toshi-shirazu-gawa (eternal youth river).
 しかも、ふだんは、水が枯れており、特に、文化四年の池の底をさらい、付近の水をあつめて、残堀川に流すようになると、今迄の低湿地も次第に鍬が入るようになった。Besides, the waterflow was usually dried up. Particularly, after excavating the bottom of the pond in Bunka 4 (1807) to enable the local waters to flow into the pond and then to the Zanbori River, what was previously low-lying marshland dried out and became arable.
 このように、かっての池の底で後の狭山池の周辺の凹地を池回りと呼んでいる。Thus, we call the sunken area around the Sayama pond, which once lay at the bottom of the pond, Ike-mawari.