(四)北平、中井、西平、南平(4) Kita-daira, Nakai, Nishi-daira, Minami-daira (meaning "north flatland", "middle well", "west flatland", and "south flatland" )

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 箱根ケ崎の西部の平坦地につけられた地名で、北より南にかけて右記の地名がつけられている。西平と南平の間にあるのが松原で、いずれも、江戸時代になってからの開墾地で、赤茶色をした火山灰地で痩せた軽土で、サツマイモ、ソバなどがつくられた。The above names are the place names given to the flatlands west of Hakonegasaki, listed in order from north to south. Matsubara is in between Nishi-daira and Minami-daira, and all of which were cleared in the Edo period. Because the land consisted of reddish brown volcanic ash – that is an infertile, light soil – sweet potatoes and buckwheat, etc. were cultivated.