すなは丸ケ谷戸の東にある小字で東は殿ケ谷村に接している。砂については、石畑(こいし混りの畑)に比べ、砂まじりの壌土であったための地名にしたものか。 | Suna is a Ko-aza, east of Maru-ga-yato, with its eastern side bordered by Tonogaya Village. As for Suna, it might have been so-named because of its sandy loam in contrast to Ishihata (pebble-mixed field). |
町史に、狭山丘陵に水源をもつ小河川は、平素は水量も少いが、一たん大雨とか長雨となると大洪水を起し、両岸をけずったり、川床を掘り起して凹地に砂などを堆積した。とあるように、河川の流域も短く、流速も早くないこれらの川は、地表面の土砂を浸食する程度で、玉石や礫を押流す程の力もなく砂を運搬、堆積する程度であったのであろう。 | In the town history, there is a description of small rivers sourced in the Sayama Hills which usually carried only a small volume of water, but during heavy or protracted rainfall would flood and chisel both banks and excavate the riverbed thus causing a build-up of sand, etc. Therefore, these rivers, due to their rather short basin and not so fast flow rate, probably eroded only the surface soil and while its power was insufficient to sweep away the boulders and pebbles, it was just enough to transport and deposit sand. |
砂川村の草分け名主である「村野家由緒書」によると、「谷合(狭山丘陵の)より流出候清水、細流に相成り砂川と名付け候。流末武蔵野を横切り玉川に流れ入り候」とあり、残堀川の別名が砂川であることがわかる。 | According to 'the Murano family history and lineage book' written by an early settler and headman of Sunagawa Village, it is written that "the trickle of spring water that outflows from a valley (of the Sayama Hills) has become a small stream and was named as Sunagawa (sand river). The river flows across the Musashino and merges into Tama-gawa (Tama River)", and therefore it is found that the alternative name of 'Zanbori-gawa' (Zanbori River) is 'Suna-gawa' (sandy river). |
小字(こあざ)砂に源を発する川であるために砂川と呼ばれたものか、大きな川に見られるような、石や礫もなく、わずかに砂が川底に見られる川ということで砂川と呼ばれたかは定かではない。 | It is not sure whether it was called Sunagawa because the river originates from the location, 'Ko-aza Suna', or the river with some river-bed sand but without the large stones or pebbles usually found in the large rivers. |
砂については天正年間に創立された正眼寺があり、また、慶長三年阿豆佐味神社の棟札に砂村の清水兵庫助と佐保田源兵衛尉の名が出ている。 | As for Suna, Shogan-ji temple was founded in this area in Tensho period (1573-1592), and was also the Asami Shrine's 'Munefuda' (a sign board staked to a building's ridgepole at construction or reconstruction time with the donors' names, etc.) prepared in Keicho 3 (1958) shows the names, Shimizu Hyogonosuke and Sahota Genbēnojo of Suna Village. |
○橋場(はしば) | ○ Hashi-ba (bridge site) |
峯田堀が青梅街道を横断するところに架せられている砂橋のたもとを橋場と呼んでいる。現在の清水三七氏の屋敷が押掛師清水源兵衛の屋敷跡かと思われるが、このように橋のかけられている一定の場所を橋場と呼んでいる。瑞穂町でも狭山池から流 れ出た残堀川の上に日光街道のために掛けた橋があるがこの東脇は大橋場と呼ばれる村野兼吉氏宅であり、円福寺南から流れ出る小川の上に橋をかけ日光街道を渡していた地点は橋場と呼ばれ、その東脇の会田薬局の屋号となっている。その他、滝田谷津から流れ出た小川の上を青梅街道を通すための橋をかけてあるが、その東隣りの中野泰雄氏宅も橋場と呼ばれている。村明細書上帳に逐一橋の記録がのこっているが、交通上大事な場所であったのであろう。 | The foot of Suna-hashii (Suna bridge) in the place where Ome Kaido crosses over Mineta-bori (Mineta canal) was called Hashi-ba. It is thought to indicate the current Shimizu Sanshichi's residence which is the former house of Shimizu Genbē, an 'Oshikake'(decorative tassel accesaries for horses) master craftsman, and thus the name of Hashi-ba was given to a specific place where the bridge was placed. There is also a bridge on Nikko Kaido over the Zanbori River, which flows out from Sayama Pond in Mizuho, and the east side of this bridge is Murano Kenkichi's house which is called by the house name, 'Ohashi-ba'(the site of a large bridge). Another example is the bridge site where Nikko Kaido crosses over a brook which flows out from the south Enpuku-ji temple, and it was called Hashi-ba, and became the house name of the Aida pharmacy on the east side of Hashiba. In addition, there is a bridge on Ome Kaido over a brook which flows out of Takita-yatsu (Takita valley), and the house name of Hashi-ba was also given to Nakano Yasuo's house next to the bridge on the east side. The record of each bridge was kept in the ”Mura Meisai-sho Kami-cho” (village specification book, volume 1), and therefore these bridge sites must have been important for supporting local traffic. |
○馬頭堂(ばとうどう) | ○ Bato-do (horse-headed temple hall) |
正眼寺は境内の面積五百三十三坪あり、本堂は五間半四方、馬頭堂は三間半四方あったと記録されている。この寺の馬頭観世音は馬方の信仰が厚く正月の観音の縁日には近郷から飾りたてた馬が多数参詣し賑やかであったという。 | Shogan-ji temple is recorded to have had a precinct area of 533-tsubo (1,759 m2), a main hall area of 5-ken square (10 m by 10 m) and Bato-do of 3.5-ken square (6.4 m by 6.4 m). The 'Bato Kan'non (horse-headed bodhisattva or Hayagriva)' of this temple was worshipped by the packhorse drivers, and the Kan'non fair in the New Year season bustled with many decorated horses brought on pilgrimage from neighboring districts. |
この馬頭堂のあったあたりの地名を馬頭堂と呼んでいた。正眼寺の廃寺に伴いこの馬頭堂もこわされ姿を消したが、馬頭観世音菩薩と太字に陰刻された大石碑は現在阿弥陀堂に移転されている。 | The place where Bato-do existed was referred to as Bato-do. Although this Bato-do was also destroyed and disappeared with the closure of the Shogan-ji temple, the large stone monument that had been engraved as Bato Kan'non with bold incised characters was then transferred to the present site of Amida-do (Amitabha hall). |
馬頭堂の裏手に押掛をつくっていた清水源兵衛の元屋敷があり、清水氏は正眼寺に種々寄進しているところから、馬頭堂の建立にも一役賈っていたのかも知れない。 | Behind the Bato-do, there was a former residence of Shimizu Genbē who was making 'Oshikake', and because he had made various donations to Shogan-ji, he may also have played a role in building Bato-do. |
○二本榎 | ○ Nihon-enoki (two hackberry trees) |
石畑診療所の東、江戸街道と八王子道とが交差する東南の一角には、二本の榎が植えられた塚があったとのことである。今その名残と思われる宝篋印塔の上半分と自然石に庚申と彫った塔が残っている。 | It is said that there were two hackberry trees planted on the mound located at the southeastern corner where Edo Kaido intersected Hachioji-michi to the east of the Ishihata clinic. Today, there are the upper half of the 'hokyoin-to' (a pagoda containing hokyoin sutra) and a tower of natural stone carved with 'Koshin', and they are thought to be relics of the mound. |
戦前はここはむしろ凸地になっていたが、これは江戸街道の道ぶしんの際に塚の土だけでは足りず、地下に掘り下げ、砂利の採掘をしたためである。 | While before the war the land here had a rather depressed or sunken topography, caused by digging down to the subsoil during gravel mining, made necessary because the earth from the mound itself was insufficient for constructing the Edo Kaido. |
この二本榎を越した南の一帯を榎向うとよんでいる。 | The southern area beyond this Nihon-enoki was called Enoki-muko (beyond hackberry trees). |
○石経塚(いしんぎょうづか) | ○ Ishingyo-zuka (mound with a stone sutra) |
二本榎を越し八王子道を南に進むと、石畑駐在所の方から来た道(川島製本の西側の道はずっと南まで伸びていた)と交わる。ここでは更に西に屈曲して福生街道に交わる道を派生させ他のもう一本の野道を合わせて六道の辻になっている。この交差点に石に経文を記し、供養をした塚を築いた、石経塚と呼ばれるものである。 | The direction to the mound is: first, one proceeds southward on Hachioji-michi from Nihon-enoki, this road intersects with another road from Ishihata police substation (the road west of Kawashima book binding company once ran for much farther to the south). Here, the road bends farther to the west and branches out a road (which runs and intersects with Fussa Kaido), and by adding another field path, it forms a Rokudo-no-tsuji (six-way intersection). At this crossing, a mound was built with a sutra-engraved stone for memorial services, and thus the place is called Ishigyo-zuka (mound with sutra stone). |
○思案塚(しあんづか) | ○ Shian-zuka (mound for pondering) |
石畑の上駐在所(かみちゅうざいしょ)の道は江戸街道を横断してしばらく行くと二又に分れる。右へ行けば、一本杉の所で拝島街道に交差し更に進んで川崎街道となる左側を進めば、桜株で拝島街道に合する。更に進めば福生街道と合し、先は伊奈街道となる。旅人が右に行っても左に行っても、所詮拝島街道に行き当るのであるがさてどちらの道を通ったらよかろうかとしばし、立止まって思案したところであったので、この二又の間につくられた塚を思案塚と名づけたという。 | The road where Ishihata-kami police substation stands leads to a crossing with the Edo Kaido, and farther down splits into two roads. Following the right road, it passes Hijima Kaido at the Ippon-sugi (a single cedar tree), and continues on to reach a road that becomes Kawasaki Kaido. Turning left, the road leads to Sakura-kkabu where it meets Haijima Kaido. Continuing, the road joins Fussa Kaido and leads farther on to Ina Kaido. Because either way eventually leads to Haijima Kaido, travelers stopped here and pondered on which way to take, and thus the mound at this Y-junction was named as Shian-zuka (mound for pondering). |
○念仏塚 | ○ Nenbutsu-zuka (mound to pray for Amitabha) |
桜株の東、石経塚の方から西方に伸びた農道(先は川崎街道に合流)が大江戸街道に交差するところにあった塚という。由来は明らかでない。 | The mound was to the east of Sakura-kkabu, and where the farm road (which merges farther ahead into Kawasaki Kaido), from Ishigyo-zuka extending to the west-ward, crossed over the Oedo Kaido. The origin of the name is not clear. |
○日森(ひもり) | ○ Himori (day forest) |
拝島街道(日光街道)の東側、一本杉と桜株との中間地点と推定されるが、由来は不明である。 | This place is estimated as being to the east of Haijima Kaido (Nikko Kaido) and the midpoint between the Ippon-sugi and Sakura-kkabu, but the origin of the name is unknown. |
○峯田 | ○ Mineta (paddies high up on the hill) |
滝田谷津の西側の地域を峯田と呼んでいる。 | The area of the western side of Takita-yatsu is referred to as Mineta. |
○金堀沢(かなほりざわ) | ○ Kanahori-zawa (mountain stream for excavating metal) |
狭山丘陵の侵蝕谷で狭山嶺六本松のあたりを源として東方に流れる川及びその流域のことである。下流は久米川となっているが現在は山口貯水池の中に姿を没している。錆色の土質(鉄分の含有)が目立ち鋳物師(いものし)桜沢氏の住んだといわれる桜沢に近いところから、鋳物用の鉄を採掘したのではないかという説もあるが、地名から連想するだけで、鉄の含有量もたいしたものではなく、実用に供したとは思われない。元禄の石畑、高根の秣場(まぐさば)論争の時の地図にこの附近の地名が明示されている。 | The name indicates the river (and its catchment area), which originates from around 'Sayama-mine Roppon-matsu' (six pine trees on the Sayama hill ridge) of the eroded valley of the Sayama Hills, and flows eastward. Downstream of it is the Kumegawa River, but is now submerged in the Yamaguchi reservoir. From the vicinity of Sakura-zawa, where the iron founder Sakura-zawa clan was said to have lived, the rust-colored soil (containing iron) is conspicuous, and there is also the theory that iron was mined here for the foundry. However, despite a name suggestive of iron mining, the iron content was not significant and it does not appear that mining was actually practiced here. The place names of this vicinity were explicitly recorded on the map prepared at the time of the dispute between Ishihata and Takane over the communal fodder ground. |
○御達間(おだつま) | ○ Odatsuma |
石畑は丘陵の部分が東の方に張り出している。秣場論争(まぐさばろんそう)を繰り返えしながら村界を拡げていった姿がありありと偲ばれる。この最も東へ張り出した部分が御達間で、海抜一七〇mと丘陵中では最も高い部分である。一説によると尾州侯が鷹狩りの際に鷹匠が見晴しの良いこの地に立って指図をしたので、お立野であるという。 | In Ishihata, a hilly area extends out to the east. It clearly shows that the village border expanded out to the east over the course of repeated fodder disputes. This area which projected farthermost to the east is 'Odatsuma', which is the highest part of the hills, standing at 170 m above sea level. One opinion holds that when the lord Bishū (daimyo of the Owari [Province] Tokugawa clan) visited the land on a falconry expedition, his falconer stood (tatsu) and gave directions at this place because it offered a good view, and thus the name 'Otatsu-no' (standing field) was given. |