○榎木堂 | ○ Enoki-do (Enoki temple hall) |
文字の通りに解釈すると堂でもあったかと思うが、ドウを道(どう)とすると榎木道で榎木に通じる道路となる。 | When it is literally interpreted, "do (堂)" could be a temple hall, but if it was "do (道)", it meant a road that led to Enoki. |
○大門前 | ○ Daimon-mae (in front of a large temple gate) |
○大門先 | ○ Daimon-saki (further down from Daimon) |
この両方とも福正寺の門前で、そこにあった鈴木家は今でも「大門」という家名(いえな)がある。 | In both cases, they are in front of the temple gate of Fukusho-ji temple, and the Suzuki family living there still has the house name of "Daimon". |
○馬ツウ堂 | ○ Ba-tsū-do (horse-head temple hall) |
馬頭堂があった所。 | It is where Bato-do is situated. |
○十八夜北 | ○ Jūhachiya-kita (north of Juhachiya) |
○十八夜前 | ○ Jūhachiya-mae (in front of Juhachiya) |
十八夜については土地の伝えはないようである。十八夜の位置は、桜株の道端、日光街道の東のもようである。十八夜の民俗は東北地方に盛んに行われたといい、塔を建てたのも東北地方に多いと。十八夜は正月、五月、九月、十一月の十八日に行われ餅をついて月に供えるという。塔は自然石かあまり加工しない石に「十八夜待」と刻むものが多いという(日本石仏事典)。 | As to Jūhachi-ya (the18th night), there is no local folklore that accounts for the origin of the name. The location of Jūhachiya seems to be on the roadside of Sakura-kkabu, to the east of Nikko Kaido. It was said that the folk festival of Jūhachiya was actively celebrated in the Tohoku region and the stone monument associted with the festival was also frequently erected there. Juhachiya was an event where a rice cake was prepared and offered to the moon on the 18th of January, May, September and November. For the stone monument, a natural stone or slightly shaped stone was used and often engraved with the phrase, 'waiting for the 18th night moon' referred from the Japan Stone Buddha encyclopedia). |
○井戸尻 | ○ Ido-jiri (end of a well) |
寛文九年の検地帳にのせられた地名の一つ。特定の井戸を指すものか。 | It is one of the place names listed in the Kenchi-cho of Kanbun 9 (1669). It may point to a particular well. |