江戸時代は、長谷部新田、下師岡新田と呼ばれていたが、明治二十一年市町村制を定める法律が公布され、小さい村の統合がすすめられたが、この時両村は合併した。両村の一字ずつをとって、長岡村と称した。これより先、両新田で建てた学校を長岡学校と称したこともある。 | While it had been called Hasebe Shinden (長谷部新田) and Shimo-Moro'oka Shinden (下師岡新田) in the Edo period, the two villages were amalgamated when the law to establish the organization of cities, towns, and villages was promulgated in Meiji 21 (1888), that advocated the integration of the small villages. The merged village was named by taking one character from each village, and so it became Naga'oka Village (長岡村, after changing the pronunciation of the first character). Before the merger, the two villages had jointly built a school, which was also named as the Nagaoka school. |