師岡屋敷の東から羽村道までの地域、野上村の持添新田として開発されたのでこの名がある。旧長岡村の中でも、百姓の定着が一番遅れたところであるが、地味や、水の便でもとりわけ劣っている程でもないがどうしたわけだろう。この地域だけでは五軒の百姓に一町六反ずつ分けられなかったので、下師岡新田の持分の中から若干分与された。 | The name was derived from the 'mochizoe shinden' of Nogami Village (new paddies developed by the farmers dispatched from Nogami Village) that covered the area between the east of the Moro'oka residence to Hamura--michi. The settlement of the farmers in this area from among the former Nagaoka villagers occurred later than the other migrations, even though the soil quality and water access were not particularly inferior, and the reason accounting for this is unknown. Since this area only was not large enough to be divided by five farmers so that each would have 1-cho 6 tan (15,868 m2), a small part of Shimo-Moro'oka Shinden was distributed among them. |