三、駒形富士山(こまがたふじやま)3. Komagata-Fujiyama

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 駒形、富士山、坊の三地区を含めて駒形富士山と呼ぶが、これらの村が旗本大田加兵衛の知行であったことから明治以降駒形富士山と総称されるようになった。なお入間市二本木の日光街道沿いにも数か所駒形富士山という飛地があるが、ここも大田氏の知行に属していた。元禄八年(一六九五年)駒形村に名主の適任者がなく、富士山村の七右衛門が駒形、富士山、坊、二本木四か村の大田知行地の名主を兼ねて以来、名主は一名となり明治に至ったので、一村のような形となった。While the three districts of Komagata, Fujiyama and Bo are collectively referred to as Komagata-Fujiyama, this generic name of Komagata-Fujiyama has been used since the Meiji era, because these villages were the territories of Hatamoto Ota Kahei. In addition, there are several exclaves called Komagata-Fujiyama along Nikko Kaido of Nihongi of Iruma-shi, and these were also vested as the territory of Ota clan, as well. Because Komagata Village did not have anyone qualified to be the village headman in Genroku 8 (1695), Nana'emon of Fujiyama Village concurrently served as the village headman of the Hatamoto Ota's four territories, Komagata, Fujiyama, Bo, and Nihongi. Since then, they had had only one headman until the Meiji era, and consequently they took on the form of a single village.