(一)駒形・坊(ぼう)(1) Komagata and Bo

37 ~ 37 / 40ページ
 駒形という地名については新編武蔵風土記稿には、鎮守駒形明神があるが故に村名となったと書かれているが、地形説、修験説等あって定かでない。いつ頃から駒形と呼ばれたかについても、正保武蔵国図(一六四〇年代)には宮寺町とだけ記されてあり、元禄の国図(一七〇〇年頃)には、二本木、高根、富士山などとともに駒形村がのっている。しかし、駒形栗原広三郎家の正保二年の古文書に駒形村と記されたものがあり、この地名はそれより古くから用いられていたことは確かである。With respect to the place name of Komagata, while the Shinpen Musashi Fudoki Ko wrote that the village name had been derived from the village guardian Komagata Myojn shrine, this is not certain since there are also other theories based on topography, Shugen-ja (a mountaineering ascetic monk), etc. As to the time when the name Komagata first appeared, the place was only referred to as Miyadera-machi in the Shoho Musashi-koku Zu (Musashi province map of Shoho peiod, 1645-1648), but in the map of the Genroku era version (about 1700) Komagata Village was listed along with Nihogi, Takane and Fujiyama. However, a reference to Komagata Village was written in one of the old documents of Shoho 2 (1645), held by the Hirosaburo family in Kurihara Komagata, and therefore this place name was certainly in use before then.
 坊村の地名は昔お寺(坊)があったのでこう呼ばれたといわれている。その寺には三説あり、長福寺(現在入間市二本木)、寿昌寺(現在の高根福泉寺)、最勝王院(現在の入間市宮寺西勝院)とされているが、長福寺説が正しいようである。The place name of Bo Village is said to have been so called, because there was a small temple (bo) there in old days.With the temple, it is said to be subject to one of the three possibilities, Chofuku-ji (now in Nihongi, Iruma-shi), Jusho-ji (current Fukusen-ji in Takane, Mizuho) or Saisho-Oin (current Saisho-in, Miyadera, Iruma-shi), but the theory that it is Chofuku-ji seems to be correct.
A、宝永二年の検地帳による小字 A. Ko-aza names according to Kenchi-cho of Hoei 2 (1705).
坊村、ずうずうめき、北ケ谷戸、後ケ谷、和田、駒形、笹之後、原の前、駒形山下、駒形山畑、藪地きは、上州街道西、道場ケ谷、Bo-mura (village), Zū-Zū-meki, Kita-ga-yato, Usiro-ga-yato, Wada, Komagata, Sasa-no-ushiro, Hara-no-mae, Komagata-Yamashita, Komagata-Yamabatake, Yabuchi-kiwa, Joshukaido-nishi, Michibagaya.
B、現在の小字(明治九年)B. Present Ko-aza names (Meiji 9 [1876])
坊、スウスウ、北ケ谷戸、後ケ谷戸、和田、駒形、内村(高根地内飛地)Bo, Sū-sū, Kita-ga-yato, Usiro-ga-yato, Wada, Komagata, Uchi-mura (enclave in Takane district).
 現在の町内会組織での駒形町には、右の他二本木分の伊達、山田各旗本知行地が含まれている。(図3参照)In the current town organization under the neighborhood association, Komagata-machi includes two more areas in Nihongi, which are the former Hatamoto territories of Date and Yamada, in addition to the above-mentioned areas (see Fig. 3).

図3 駒形村小字図(瑞穂町史より)
Figure 3. A Map of Ko-aza Names in Komagata Village (from The Book of Mizuho Town's History)