目次 Contents

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◇指定文化財一覧表◇ List of Designated Cultural Properties1
◇[瑞穂町文化財]案内図◇ Mizuho Cultural Properties - Guide Map2
◇東京都指定文化財◇ Cultural Properties Designated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government
(1)紙本着色観心十界図(1) Color Painting on Paper of Kanshin Jikkaizu (Buddhist Mandala)3
◇瑞穂町指定文化財◇ Designated Cultural Properties by Mizuho-machi
(2)福正寺観音堂(2) Fukushoji Temple Kannondo Hall4
(3)中興開山月叟壽像(3) Statue of the Famous Priest who Restored Fukushoji Temple5
(4)阿弥陀如来像(4) Statue of Amidanyorai6
(5)御嶽神社本殿(5) Mitake Shrine Main Hall7
(6)吉野岳地蔵堂(6) Yoshinodake Jizo Hall8
(7)古文書(長谷部(幸)家文書)(7) Ancient documents of the Hasebe (Yuki) Family9
(8)古文書(長谷部(良)家文書)(8) Ancient documents of the Hasebe (Ryo) Family10
(9)古文書(栗原家文書)(9) Ancient documents of the Kurihara Family11
(10)古文書(清水家文書)(10) Ancient documents of the Shimizu Family12
(11)古文書(村山家文書)(11) Ancient documents of the Murayama Family13
(12)加藤塚(12) Kato Mound14
(13)御嶽神社の欅(13) Japanese zelkova tree of Mitake Shrine15
(14)神明神社の欅(14) Japanese zelkova tree of Shinmei Shrine16
(15)福正寺多羅葉樹(15) Tarayo tree at Fukushoji Temple17
(16)浅間神社の檜(16) Japanese zelkova tree of Sengen Shrine18
(17)五輪様のかきの木(17) Persimmon tree of Gorinsama19
(18)石畑重松囃子(18) Ishihata Juma-Bayashi20
(19)箱根ヶ崎獅子舞(19) Hakonegasaki Shishimai21
(20)殿ヶ谷の山車(20) Tonogaya float22
(21)石畑の山車(21) Ishihata float23
◇資料編◇ Appendices
1 石畑重松囃子1 Ishihata Juma-Bayashi24
2 箱根ヶ崎獅子舞2 Hakonegasaki Shishimai26
◇編集後記◇ Editor's Note
<表紙写真>樹齢千年の「神明神社の欅」(瑞穂町指定・天然記念物)Cover photo: Japanese zelkova tree of Shinmei Shrine, a thousand-year-old tree (Designated natural treasure of Mizuho-machi)