目次 | Contents | (頁) (Page) |
◇指定文化財一覧表 | ◇ List of Designated Cultural Properties | 1 |
◇[瑞穂町文化財]案内図 | ◇ Mizuho Cultural Properties - Guide Map | 2 |
◇東京都指定文化財 | ◇ Cultural Properties Designated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government | |
(1)紙本着色観心十界図 | (1) Color Painting on Paper of Kanshin Jikkaizu (Buddhist Mandala) | 3 |
◇瑞穂町指定文化財 | ◇ Designated Cultural Properties by Mizuho-machi | |
(2)福正寺観音堂 | (2) Fukushoji Temple Kannondo Hall | 4 |
(3)中興開山月叟壽像 | (3) Statue of the Famous Priest who Restored Fukushoji Temple | 5 |
(4)阿弥陀如来像 | (4) Statue of Amidanyorai | 6 |
(5)御嶽神社本殿 | (5) Mitake Shrine Main Hall | 7 |
(6)吉野岳地蔵堂 | (6) Yoshinodake Jizo Hall | 8 |
(7)古文書(長谷部(幸)家文書) | (7) Ancient documents of the Hasebe (Yuki) Family | 9 |
(8)古文書(長谷部(良)家文書) | (8) Ancient documents of the Hasebe (Ryo) Family | 10 |
(9)古文書(栗原家文書) | (9) Ancient documents of the Kurihara Family | 11 |
(10)古文書(清水家文書) | (10) Ancient documents of the Shimizu Family | 12 |
(11)古文書(村山家文書) | (11) Ancient documents of the Murayama Family | 13 |
(12)加藤塚 | (12) Kato Mound | 14 |
(13)御嶽神社の欅 | (13) Japanese zelkova tree of Mitake Shrine | 15 |
(14)神明神社の欅 | (14) Japanese zelkova tree of Shinmei Shrine | 16 |
(15)福正寺多羅葉樹 | (15) Tarayo tree at Fukushoji Temple | 17 |
(16)浅間神社の檜 | (16) Japanese zelkova tree of Sengen Shrine | 18 |
(17)五輪様のかきの木 | (17) Persimmon tree of Gorinsama | 19 |
(18)石畑重松囃子 | (18) Ishihata Juma-Bayashi | 20 |
(19)箱根ヶ崎獅子舞 | (19) Hakonegasaki Shishimai | 21 |
(20)殿ヶ谷の山車 | (20) Tonogaya float | 22 |
(21)石畑の山車 | (21) Ishihata float | 23 |
◇資料編 | ◇ Appendices | |
1 石畑重松囃子 | 1 Ishihata Juma-Bayashi | 24 |
2 箱根ヶ崎獅子舞 | 2 Hakonegasaki Shishimai | 26 |
◇編集後記 | ◇ Editor's Note | |
<表紙写真>樹齢千年の「神明神社の欅」(瑞穂町指定・天然記念物) | Cover photo: Japanese zelkova tree of Shinmei Shrine, a thousand-year-old tree (Designated natural treasure of Mizuho-machi) |