2 福正寺観音堂 (ふくしょうじかんのんどう) (有形文化財) 2 Fukushoji Temple Kannondo Hall (Tangible cultural property)

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(View from rear, circa 1970)
(Painted coffered ceilings)

<所在地 瑞穂町殿ケ谷1129番地 福正寺内><Location: Inside Fukushoji Temple, 1129 Tonogaya, Mizuho-machi>
 福正寺の本堂に向って、左の石段を登った小高い所にある。This temple is located a short ways up a stone stairway to the left of the Fukushoji Temple main hall.
 戦国時代終わり頃、この地の豪族、村山土佐守や家臣等が本堂前庭に堂を再興したと伝えられている。現在の堂は、天保12年(1841年)頃、今の位置に再建した記録があることから、160年以上前の建物である。It is said that around the end of the Warring States Era, powerful local families, Governor Murayama of Tosa, and his vassals revived this hall in front of the main hall.The current hall was rebuilt around 1841 in its current location, making it an over 160-year-old building.
 堂は総欅材(そうけやきざい)、間口6.75m、奥行8.45m、桁行(けたゆき)3間、梁間(はりま)4間、撞木造(しゅもくづくり)、三方入母屋造(いりもやづくり)、茅葺型銅板葺(かやぶきがたどうばんぶき)、三方に破風(はふ)がみられる独特の建造物。手前一間は板敷吹放(ふきはなし)で建具はなく、次の二間は、畳16畳敷で、正面中央の間には、左右各二枚の棧戸(さんど)、他はすべて舞良戸(まいらど)がたててある。奥の一間は板敷で、手前中央に来迎柱(らいごうばしら)があり、その柱間に仏壇を設け、本尊の観音座像が安置されている。背面の中央間は、舞良戸、他は板の壁である。周囲には、勾欄付(こうらんつき)の濡縁(ぬれえん)をめぐらし、建築細部の手法は、唐様を主とし、すこしく和様を交えている。Constructed entirely from Japanese zelkova wood, it measures 6.75 m across and 8.45 m deep. It has three purlins (ketayuki) with four interjoists (harima). It is a unique architectural style with wooden bell hammer construction, three-way gambrels, thatched copper roofing, and tri-directional gables.The first bay has wooden flooring with no walls between the columns in the fukihoshi style. The second is an area of 16 tatami mats (29 m2) with two battened doors to the right and left at the central main entrance, and the rest is all mairado style doors.The farthest bay back has wooden flooring with round raigobashira pillars to the front and center. A Buddhist altar stands between these pillars, enshrining a seated Buddha statue.To the rear, there are mairado doors at the center and wall plates elsewhere.It is surrounded by a veranda with balustrades. The architectural details are mainly Chinese style intermixed with some Japanese style elements.
 吹放の間の鏡天井には、現在新しい淡彩の竜の図、畳敷の間の格天井(ごうてんじょう)には彩色の花鳥獣等が描かれている。On the ceiling in the fukihoshi bay there is a newly restored painting of a dragon, and on the coffers in the ceiling of the tatami mat bay are painted images of flowers, birds, and other wildlife.
 格天井の絵の作者は、入間市宮寺の人、吉川緑峰(よしかわりょくほう)(1808~1884)。緑峰は、茶づくりで有名な吉川家の二代目忠八で、家業の狭山茶生産に励むとともに、この地方での文化人で絵をよくした。石畑吉野岳地蔵堂(よしのだけじぞうどう)の天井絵、近くは入間市黒須の蓮華院観音堂、宮寺清泰寺本堂、同大御堂(おおみどう)等に絵をのこしている。The creator of the coffered ceiling paintings is Ryokuho Yoshikawa (1808 - 1884), who belonged to the Miyadera temple of Iruma.Ryokuho was also known as Chuhachi Yoshikawa II of the Yoshikawa family, famous for its tea making. He worked at the family Sayama tea production business, while also improving the local region through art.He also left behind paintings in the Ishihata Yoshinodake Jizo hall ceiling, the nearby Iruma Kurosu Kannondo hall, and the Miyadera Seitaiji Temple main hall and Omido hall.