4 阿弥陀如来像 (あみだにょらいぞう) (有形文化財) 4 Statue of Amidanyorai (Tangible cultural property)

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(Circa 1975)

<所在地 瑞穂町石畑1708番地 阿弥陀堂内><Location: Inside Amidado, 1708 Ishihata, Mizuho-machi>
 阿弥陀堂に安置されているこの像は、町内でも屈指の貴重な像である。像の高さは28.4cm、膝張22.5cm、寄木造金泥塗(よせぎづくりこんでいぬり)、大衣(だいえ)の一部が右肩にかかる。玉眼(ぎょくがん)で、額の白毫(びゃくごう)は、水晶が嵌(は)めこんである。螺髪彫出(らほつほりだし)、弥陀定印(みだじょういん)、容姿端正。台座光背とも像と同時の作。This statue, enshrined in Amidado hall, is one of the best-known precious statues in Mizuho-machi.The statue is 28.4 cm tall and 22.5 cm across at the knees. It is made of parquet wood and painted in granulated gold with a daie robe hung across its right shoulder.The eyes are glass with crystals embedded on the head for the urna (whorl of white hair on the forehead).It has a carved spiral wooden hair style, the Amida mark, and an attractive appearance.he figure was carved at the same time as the halo and pedestal.
 台座の蓮台(れんだい)は、蓮弁(れんべん)の一葉ずつを蓮内に釘止めした葺蓮弁(ふきれんべん)、光背は円形の頭光(ずこう)および身光(しんこう)の周辺から、斜め上に平行線で伸び、その周縁は波うっている。頭光板(和鏡か)を逸する。長い年月のいたみから、台座と光背の一部が惜しいことに欠損していた。昭和61年に復元修理され現在に至る。The petals of the lotus flower base were carved individually and nailed to it. From the circular halo and aureole at the back, diagonal parallel lines stretch upward toward the wavy rim.It has lost its halo (or mirror).Years of wear and tear have caused it to unfortunately lose part of its halo and base.It was restored and repaired in 1986 to its present appearance.
 台座の内側に「□町十三丁目大仏師吉見兵部作」の墨書銘がある。Inside the base, there is an India ink inscription, reading "Created by the Buddhist statue carver Hyobu Yoshimi in 13-Chome, [illegible] Town."