6 吉野岳地蔵堂 (よしのだけじぞうどう) (有形文化財) 6 Yoshinodake Jizo Hall (Tangible cultural property)

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(The Jizo Hall circa 1970)

<所在地 瑞穂町石畑1805番地1><Location: 1805-1 Ishihata, Mizuho-machi>
 堂は旧青梅街道残堀川(ざんぼりがわ)の橋脇に建っていたが、残堀川の拡幅工事に伴い、川の北側に移転した。The Jizo Hall was originally constructed next to the Zanbori River bridge on the former Ome Kaido Ave., but it was moved to the north side of the river when the river was widened.
 桁行(けたゆき)・梁間(はりま)とも一間(1.82m)、屋根は方形造(ほうぎょうづくり)・銅板葺・総欅(けやき)の小堂である。土台の四隅に径19.7cmの円柱を建て、飛貫(ひぬき)の下、正面小間返格子(こまかえしごうし)の腰高戸、両側面は腰貫(こしぬき)を入れ、その上は竪格子(たてごうし)、下は背面とともに横板壁とし、頭貫(かしらぬき)の先は獅子の木鼻(きばな)で飾り、柱上と中備(なかそなえ)は出組で、通貫(とおしぬき)と丸桁(がぎょう)を支え二重桷(たるき)である。It is a small temple with 1.82 m spans between both the purlins (ketayuki) and interjoists (harima). It has a pyramidal roof with copper roofing.The four corners have columns 19.7 cm in diameter. Under the hinuki, there is a large door with fine latticework. Both sides have crosspieces with vertical lattice above and sideways panels below. The ends of the crosspieces are decorated with lions. The top of the columns and support beams protrude in the degumi style and support through crossbeams and finials with double rafters. 
 堂内には、鏡天井に吉川緑峰(よしかわりょくほう)筆の龍の図がある。また、中央に石造地蔵菩薩立像(背に享保4年[1719年]4月の刻銘がある)が安置されている。小堂ながら正確な建物で、福正寺観音堂と同じ棟梁の作といわれている。Inside the hall, there is a depiction of a dragon painted by Ryokuho Yoshikawa.A stone Jizo Bodhisattva statue, with the time (April 1719) carved on the back side, is situated and enshrined at the center.While small, the hall is precisely constructed. It is said to have been built by the same master carpenter who created the Fukushoji Kannon hall.