三山供養塚・供養碑 Sanzan Kuyou-zuka (mound) & Kuyou-hi (stone monument)

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The belief of Dewa-sanzan (three mountains in Dewa which means Yamagata-ken and Akita-ken) was widespread in Bousou peninsula. Kuyou-zuka is a mound with Bonten ofuda (small wooden tablet) dedicated inside which a visitor brought back as a souvenir of visiting the three mountains. Kuyou-tou (tower) was built upon it. Kuyou-hi has an inscription of the Kyowa period 1 (1811) with Dainichi Nyorai of Kongou-kai in the symbolic gesture of the fingers in Chiken-in (knowledge-fist mudra) carved in relief in the center. In addition, each mountain of Dewa-sanzan is engraved. Yudono-san is in the center, Gassan to the right and Haguro-san to the left on it, relatively.
738 Tokumasu, Nagara-machi, Chousei-gun, Chiba-ken (Enkaku temple)