Participating children interviewed people in the following stores and locations.
![]() | 子どもたちとインタビュー 1 |
Interview with Children 1 |
まちなか歴史文庫 (かたしお遊とおり)
Operated by the Association of Cultural Assets of Yamato Takada City (69 members)
Question: How was the library built?
郷土史家で名誉会長の吉村芳俱(よしむら よしとも)さん(88)が、平成17年(2005)に作りました。今年で11年目です。
The library was built in 2005 by Yoshitomo Yoshimura (88) who is a local historian and honorary chairman. This is the 11th year since the library opened.
The building is owned by Sakamoto Industry. We had the bookshelves built and then filled them with Mr. Yoshimura’s collection of 2,500 books. The remaining 1,000 books were donated by other members.
The building is owned by Sakamoto Industry. We had the bookshelves built and then filled them with Mr. Yoshimura’s collection of 2,500 books. The remaining 1,000 books were donated by other members.
I have been studying history since around 1953. These books are my teachers. You can use the Internet now to get a lot of information, but I think it’s also important to read paper books with your own eyes.
(Interview with Mr. Yoshimura)
Question: How many people use the library every day?
2 to 3 people. Around 10 at the most.
We hold a photo exhibition during the Okage-matsuri Festival, so dozens of people visit the library during that time.
We hold a photo exhibition during the Okage-matsuri Festival, so dozens of people visit the library during that time.
Question: Do you lend out books?
No, we don’t, but you can read them in the library.
We sometimes have researchers from Osaka visit after learning about the library through word-of-mouth.
We sometimes have researchers from Osaka visit after learning about the library through word-of-mouth.
![]() | 子どもたちとインタビュー 2 |
Interview with Children 2 |
うねび漬本舗 加藤商店 (かたしお遊とおり)
Unebizuke Honpo, Kato Shop (Katashio-yu Street)
Opened in 1976.
Question: What is Unebizuke?
Unebizuke are pickled vegetables that have a stronger flavor of sake lees than Narazuke. The stronger flavor is achieved by increasing the frequency of pickling the vegetables in sake lees. Unebizuke is our brand that we developed based on Narazuke.
I am the fourth-generation owner and the Unebizuke was developed by our second generation. Our products are available at our store in Katashio Shopping Street and also through our online store.
I am the fourth-generation owner and the Unebizuke was developed by our second generation. Our products are available at our store in Katashio Shopping Street and also through our online store.

Question: What is the origin of the symbol of your store?
My great-grandfather used to work at a canned goods store and was allowed to use the symbol when he opened a branch store independently. At that time, our main product was Fukujinzuke.
![]() | 子どもたちとインタビュー 3 |
Interview with Children 3 |
高田の星 (かたしお遊とおり)
Takada-no-Hoshi (Katashio-yu Street)
The store opened 10 years ago, and operated by the Young Entrepreneurs Group of YAMATOTAKADA.
The store sells cheap snacks and sweets for children, including some that cost only around 10 yen each, or in bags when requested.
We have storekeepers working on morning and afternoon shifts.
Question: How many children visit your store every day?
I don’t know the exact number but we have more customers in the evening.
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Interview with Children 4 |
よこぜん本店 (高田市駅前商店街)
Yokozen Honten (Takadashi-ekimae Shopping Street)
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季節のめずらしい和菓子に興味深々で、たくさんの質問をしました。 Children were curious about interesting seasonal Japanese sweets and asked many questions. |
50年前に開店。3代目主人 樫根一暢(かしね かずまさ)さん(37)
The store opened 50 years ago. Third-generation owner, Kazumasa Kashine (37)
Question: Where do you make your sweets?
We make our sweets in our factory in the back of our store.
Question: What is the most popular product in your store now?
Odamaki Monaka (wafer cake filled with bean jam). It is our original brand. We created the product based on a song that was written by Shizuka Gozen in memory of her boyfriend Minamoto no Yoshitsune. Mizu-manju (clear arrowroot gel filled with bean jam) is popular in summer.
![]() Odamaki Monaka (wafer cake filled with bean jam) |
Question: What is the least expensive product in your store?
Mikasa Manju (red-bean pancake).
Question: How do you make Bongashi? (shown on the shelf)
It is made by pressing Kanbaiko powder (pulverized rice powder) into a mold.
![]() | ひとくちメモ |
Note | |
『義経千本桜』とは | |
江戸時代に完成された「人形浄瑠璃」という芸能作品の一つです。 「人形浄瑠璃」とは、3人でひとつの人形を操り、三味線と義太夫節(語り)でお芝居をする伝統芸能です。 | |
What is Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura? | |
It is one of the Japanese performance arts called Ningyo Joruri and was created in the Edo period. It is a traditional Japanese puppet show that uses puppets, each manipulated by three people, and Gidayu-bushi (musical narrative with shamisen accompaniment). | |
「盆菓子」とは | |
ご先祖をおまつりするお盆の時期に、お供えする砂糖で形を作ったお菓子のことです。 | |
What is Bongashi? | |
It is a sugary sweet offered to ancestors during the Obon period to honor ancestors. |
![]() | 子どもたちとインタビュー 5 |
Interview with Children 5 |
マツモト書店 (高田市駅前商店街)
Matsumoto Book shop (Takadashi-ekimae Shopping Street)
The store opened in 1952 and was operated by the second-generation owner.
There were various magazines for different age groups.
Question: What kind of books do you have on the second floor?
We have comic books on the second floor.
Question: What do you do with unsold books?
We either return them to publishers or dispose of them.
For example, we keep monthly magazines in the store for 60 days. We keep these one-month-old back issues because sometimes customers ask for back issues.
For example, we keep monthly magazines in the store for 60 days. We keep these one-month-old back issues because sometimes customers ask for back issues.
![]() | 子どもたちとインタビュー 6 |
Interview with Children 6 |
Okada Bicycle Shop (Takadashi-ekimae Shopping Street)
Question: What are you working on now?
I am making a bicycle for myself. I make adjustments repeatedly to make it easier to ride.
Question: What kind of repairs do you do?
Mainly changing tires and adjusting brakes. I do all kinds of repairs related to bicycles.
Question: Which is the most predominant tire manufacturer?
We see a lot of Chinese manufacturers recently.
Question: Where does the name on your signboard “Miyata Bicycle Shop” come from?
It is the name of a bicycle manufacturer.