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The Noyes collection of Japanese prints presented by Crosby Stuart Noyes / 1906 図書 / 図書 - 外国図書
A political history of Japan during the Meiji era, 1867-1912 by Walter Wallace McLaren / 1916 図書 / 図書 - 外国図書
The political development of Japan, 1867-1909 by George Etsujiro Uyehara / 1910 図書 / 図書 - 外国図書
Chinese, Corean and Japanese potteries the Chinese and Corean authenticated by R.L. Hobson ; and the Japanese by Edward S. Morse / 1914 図書 / 図書 - 外国図書
The master-singers of Japan by Clara A. Walsh / 1910 図書 / 図書 - 外国図書
Japan by John Finnemore ; containing eight full-page illustrations in colour and twenty small drawings in the text by Wakana Utagawa / 1911 図書 / 図書 - 外国図書
A maker of new Japan by J.D. Davis / 1894 図書 / 図書 - 外国図書
Memorials of the Empire of Japon edited / 1850 図書 / 図書 - 外国図書
Japanese wood engravings by William Anderson / 1895 図書 / 図書 - 外国図書
An Ainu-English-Japanese dictionary by John Batchelor / 1905 図書 / 図書 - 外国図書
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