Teikin ōrai e shōkai (Correspondences on Home Education, an Illustrated Explanation. See: Hirosakishi shi Tsūshi hen 1: Kodai chūsei, pg. 395, fig. 167, W370.9-410) Textbook from the mid-14th century. Contents include 25 examples of written correspondences, preserving a wealth of contemporary language. This text was widely used as an educational guide, and in the late Edo Period it was published with annotated illustrations. Another extant volume of Teikin ōrai e shōkai (printed Bunka 8 [1811], re-engraved Kaei 7 [1854]) is held in the Hirosaki Public Library Archives. This volume has also garnered attention for its lists of various examples of special products from Hokuō and Ezogashima, including “Ōshū gold, Uga Kelp, Ezo salmon, and Ō Province lacquerware,” evincing the depth of trade between Kyoto and the Tsugaru region/Ezogashima.(Takei Noriko)